Cyber Pesticide at UC Davis
After a summer full of computer security threats, Information and Educational
Technology (IET) began scanning all computers connected to the campus
network to determine which individual systems might be at risk.
Specifically, the scanning looked for the presence of the Welchia
worm and a Windows Remote Procedure Call (RPC) vulnerability, which
could allow attackers to gain control of individual computer systems
and damage the campus network. Users of infected or vulnerable computers
were automatically notified and referred to a Web page where repair
resources and patches were waiting for them. Within a month’s
time, the number of Welchia-infected systems and RPC-vulnerable systems
were greatly reduced (see graph, above).
Due to the effectiveness of scanning, this method will likely be
used in the future to minimize the risks of viruses and other security
threats. For more info on computer security and viruses, visit http://security.ucdavis.edu.