New Phone Directory Out On Campus

The 2003-2004 print Campus Directory recently arrived on the desks of UC Davis and UC Davis Health System staff. This year’s directory, created by IET-Communications Resources, sports several new interesting features,

including a section that lists current faculty and emeriti by academic department.

How To Change Your Listing in the Campus Directories
Most folks know about the online campus directory available from the main UC Davis home page or MyUCDavis (, but a common question asked by faculty and staff is how to update their listing in either the

online or print directory. If you recently moved offices, changed your name, or otherwise need to update your personal information, there are a few simple steps to take.

To update your information in the print Directory:
Visit or use the form on page 3 of the print directory.

You’ll also need to update your information in the online Directory. Changes can made at
For additional information, or to order additional copies of the directory, contact Communications Resources at (530)752-4603. ¤



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