Computer Ownership Web Site Up
by Roger Ashton
UC Davis' Computer Ownership Web site is up and running. The site's primary goal is to keep students, parents, and faculty up to date on activities and recommendations related to the campus' new Student Computer Ownership expectation.

The site ( is designed to serve as the main access point to the latest information about the computer ownership expectation that goes into effect this fall. On it, you will find the official expectation statement and other basic information about the expectation and student computing on campus, including recommendations for student computer purchases. In May, students will find vendor-specific recommended computers and information on where they can buy them.

Eventually, the site will also highlight interesting applications of technology in teaching at UC Davis to illustrate how students might use their computers once they arrive on campus. The site should also serve as a resource for current students and faculty who are interested in the latest hardware and software recommendations of the campus or who want to know more about the importance of student computing on campus.

 Related IT Times stories

 Previous Issues
Student Computer Ownership Update (Nov/Dec 2000)

Enroll At UC Davis...Bring a Computer (Sep/Oct 2000)

Student Computer Ownership: A New Statement of Expectation (Smr 2000)


Other Resources

 Student Computer Ownership Web Site

Student Computing Guide

Text of the Student Computer Ownership Statement of Expectation


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