Tecoy Porter: From TSP Coordinator to Pastor
by Mary Sue Hedrick
Blessed with gifts of song and spirit, Tecoy Porter knew his life's mission at a young age. As son to Reverend Dr. Robert Porter, and Hazel Porter, the church and gospel is very much a part of his life and of his destiny. Now Porter has the chance the fulfill that destiny.

For approximately two and a half years, Porter led UC Davis' Technology Support Program. He will be missed, but no one could begrudge him the opportunity to make a more profound impact on his community as the pastor of his Sacramento Church.

Photo of Tecoy and Karlette Porter

In April 1990, Porter's father founded the Genesis Baptist Church in South Sacramento. By the time Porter was getting his MBA from CSUS, he and his brother had gathered and developed more than 80 members for the choir with Tecoy at the helm, singing, writing songs, and producing CDs under the Markee-Wes Production label.

In August of 1999, Porter's father passed away, leaving a legacy of devoted followers, and leaving Porter and his brother, Ellington, to co-pastor the church. "Once I was installed as co-pastor, I knew I would eventually be moving full time into the position, provided we could maintain and grow the church."

Through the development of education, mentoring, economic empowerment and employment partnerships, Porter and his brother are making a huge difference in the lives of their parishioners.

Besides working full time as the church pastor, Porter will also be busy running a capital campaign to fund a multipurpose family center, expanding the computer lab, classrooms, food program, nursery and day care and adding a gym. "We are also looking into funding a sanctuary to hold all of our members at once so we don't have to split the services," says Porter.

To learn more about Genesis Baptist Church, log on to the Genesis Baptist Church Web site (http://www.genesitical.com/) or visit the church at 2801 Meadowview Road, Sacramento. To listen to song excerpts from Genesis CDs and read about the national coverage and success of the Genesis choir, check out the choir page on the Genesis Web site.

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Other Resources

 Genesis Baptist Church


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