Roving Reporter
How Were you Using Technology 10 Years Ago?

"I got my first computer and began doing what I am still doing today: playing nethack/moria."
-Leng Siakkhasone, Staff
"Then, we had to use our imagination to predict what communications and research would be like. Today, the places we can virtually visit or the people we can virtually interact with are limited only by our imaginations.”
–Andy Jones, Lecturer
"I was at one of my weekly fifth-grade sessions in the school’s computer lab, engaging in such complex software programs as Math Munchers and Oregon Trail. Now, fifth-graders have Internet access right in their classrooms."
-Mara Abrams, Student
"I was a freshman at UC Davis, using my word processor to produce all my papers; now, the campus expects all entering undergraduate students to own a computer."
-Mark Foncannon, staff

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