The Evolution of Educational Technology
Two years ago, IET Mediaworks was created to provide more focused educational technology and media services support for faculty. Two years later, a look at Mediaworks' evolution and accomplishment on campus.
Mediaworks Embraces the Digital Age
Over the past two years, the media specialists at Mediaworks have experienced a sea of change in their fields with the widespread growth of digital video, audio, and photography.
2001-2002: The Year in Numbers
Taking the pulse of campus way of statistics.
Student Computer Ownership Expectation Enters Sophomore Year
When Freshman Tali Toledano arrived on campus last fall, she was probably focused on picking a major, joining new clubs, securing a bicycle, meeting friends, and locating her classes on the sprawling Davis campus. Equally important, Tali got a computer.
Local Organization Helps Youth Go Digital: UC Davis Experts Lend a Hand
The Tower of Youth is committed to bringing emerging creative technologies into the hands of local young people. Find out how UC Davis joins this effort.