Effective September 30, 1993, UC Davis will relinquish its status as a BITNET host. All network mail carrying a BITNET address will now be routed through the University of California Office of the President (UCOP).
"All services provided through BITNET are on the Internet," says Joan Gargano, UCD's network administrator. "BITNET is decreasing in membership while use of the Internet has nearly doubled in the past year. There are now more than 1.7 million hosts on the Internet," she adds, explaining the decision to focus on the Internet.
The change in BITNET service will result in an estimated savings of $10,000 per year and will be virtually transparent to campus users. All email addresses will stay the same, and IT will convert all addresses registered on listservs to the Internet form so all BITNET mailing list subscriptions will be automatically forwarded.
However, those who correspond on BITNET should inform colleagues of the following:
If you have difficulty sending mail to a BITNET host, contact the UCD Postmaster at 752-5715 or postmaster@ucdavis.edu.
ietpubs@ucdavis.edu |