Volume 2. No 1
Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis
October 1993
Unacceptable Uses of Campus Systems and Network
Editor's Note: The following information is from UCD -
Computer Use Policy, a document adapted in large part from
UC Berkeley's Computer Use Policy. The UCD document was
approved for dissemination and implementation on an interim basis
by the Computing Administrative Advisory Committee/Academic
Senate Committee on Computing at its June 11, 1993 meeting.
Computers and networks can provide access to resources on and off
campus, as well as the ability to communicate with other users
worldwide. Such open access is a privilege, and requires that
individual users act responsibly. Users must respect the rights
of other users, respect the integrity of the systems and related
physical resources, and observe all relevant laws, regulations,
and contractual obligations.
Existing Legal Context
All existing laws (federal and state) and University regulations
and policies apply, including those that are specific to
computers and networks, as well as those also those that may
apply generally to personal conduct.
Misuse of computing, networking or information resources may
result in the loss of privileges on those resources that IT
administers, and those that may exist in other departments
associated with UC Davis and connected to its network. Also,
misuse can be prosecuted under applicable statutes. Users may be
held accountable for their conduct under all applicable
University or campus policies, procedures, or collective
bargaining agreements. Complaints alleging misuse of IT resources
will be directed to those responsible for taking appropriate
disciplinary action as specified under Enforcement below. Illegal
reproduction of software protected by US Copyright Law is subject
to civil damages and criminal penalties including fines and
Other organizations operating computing and network facilities
that are reachable via the UC Davis network may have their own
policies governing the use of those resources. When accessing
remote resources from UC Davis facilities, users are responsible
for obeying both the policies set forth in this document and the
policies of the other organizations.
Examples of Misuse
Here are guidelines to determine when misuse of UCD computer
systems and the campus network has occurred. Examples of misuse
include the activities in the following list.
- Using a computer account that you are not authorized to
use, and/or obtaining a password for a computer account without
the consent of the account owner. If you, as an authorized user,
give out your account and password to another individual, you can
still be held accountable for any actions that may arise from use
of your account.
- Using the campus network to gain unauthorized access to
any computer system.
- Knowingly or carelessly performing an act that will
interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals,
peripherals, or networks.
- Knowingly or carelessly running or installing on any
computer system or network, or giving to another user, a program
intended to damage or to place excessive load on a computer
system or network. This prohibition includes programs known as
computer viruses, Trojan Horses, and worms.
- Attempting to circumvent data-protection schemes or
uncover security loopholes, including creating and/or running
programs designed to identify security loopholes and/or decrypt
intentionally secure data. This proscription includes programs
contained within an account, or under ownership of an account,
that are designed or associated with security cracking.
- Violating terms of applicable software licensing
agreements or copyright laws.
- Deliberately wasting or overloading computing
resources. This prohibition includes printing multiple copies of
a document or printing large documents that may be available
online or, if printed, that may impact significantly on other
users' printing resources.
- Using electronic mail to harass other persons.
- Creating mail or electronic distribution lists larger
than 10 addressees that send electronic communications to other
accounts without prior permission of the receiving individuals.
- Moving large files across networks during peak usage
periods or prime hours such that it degrades resource
performance. Prime hours will be considered to be Monday through
Friday from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
- Storing large files on the systems that could
compromise system integrity or preclude other users right of
access to disk storage. The IT staff may remove or compress disk
files that are consuming large amounts of disk space, with or
without prior notification. Total space allocated to an account
on IT machines is currently one megabyte (allocation may vary on
machines administered by other departments). The sum of all files
stored on disk may not exceed this amount without prior approval
of authorized IT staff.
- Masking the identity of an account or machine. This
prohibition includes sending mail anonymously.
- Using your account for any activity that is commercial
in nature, i.e., paid for by non-University funds. Commercial
activities include, but are not limited to, consulting, typing
services, and developing software for sale.
- Posting materials that violate existing laws or the
University's codes of conduct on electronic bulletin boards.
- Posting information that may be slanderous or
defamatory in nature on Internet services. This proscription
includes posting of said type of material on Usenet News.
- Displaying sexually explicit, graphically disturbing,
or sexually harassing images or text in a public computer
facility or other location that can potentially be in view of
other individuals.
- Attempting to monitor or tamper with another user's
electronic communications, or reading, copying, changing, or
deleting another user's files or software without the explicit
agreement of the owner. Files owned by individual users are to be
considered private property, whether or not they are accessible
by other users.
Activities will not be considered misuse when authorized in
writing by appropriate University officials for security or
performance testing.
Penalties may be imposed under one or more of the following:
University of California regulations, UC Davis regulations,
California law, the laws of the United States.
Minor infractions of this policy, such as poorly chosen
passwords, overloading systems, excessive disk space consumption,
and so on are typically handled internally to IT in an informal
manner by electronic mail or in-person discussions. More serious
infractions are handled via formal procedures.
Infractions such as sharing accounts or passwords, harassment, or
repeated minor infractions may result in the temporary or
permanent loss or modification of IT access privileges.
Additionally, notification will be made to a student's academic
advisor and/or Student Judicial Affairs, or the department
chairperson in the case of staff or faculty.
More serious infractions, such as unauthorized use, attempts to
steal passwords or data, unauthorized use or copying of licensed
software, violations of University policies, or repeated
violations as described in the above paragraph may result in the
temporary or permanent loss of IT access privileges. In all
cases, the offender's associated school or department will be
notified of the infraction. If the offender is a student at the
University, the case will also be referred to the Student
Judicial Board for appropriate action.
Offenses which are in violation of local, state or federal laws
will result in the immediate loss of all IT computing privileges,
and will be reported to the appropriate University and law
enforcement authorities.