Volume 2. No 1
Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis
October 1993
Opening a Free Computer Account at UC Davis
by Doug Decker, Information Resources
During fall 1993, the IT Campus Access Point (IT-CAP) urges all
UCD students, faculty, and staff to activate the free computer
accounts to which they are entitled. Reasons to open an account
- It's your privilege as part of the UCD community.
- Electronic mail lets you communicate anywhere in the world
within seconds, without charge.
- The Internet's vast resources are open to you through
newsgroups, file transfer, remote login, etc.
- The UCD Campuswide Information System provides you with
in-depth campus news and information from around the world.
Opening a New Account
Staff, faculty, and students can now activate accounts using
the "newaccount" program, without having to come to the IT-CAP.
(In fact, considering the crowds in the first weeks of the
quarter, you probably do not want to come to the IT-CAP!) In
about five minutes, you can complete the process remotely, from
an IT-managed computer lab, a networked departmental computer, or
from home using your modem and personal computer.
To run newaccount, you first need to access the campus computer
named "ucdavis."
Accessing "UCDAVIS"
From an IT-managed computer lab: Telnet to ucdavis (type:
telnet ucdavis).
From the IT-CAP: Self-serve computers are already
connected to ucdavis, ready to login. (But, again, because of the
crowds expected at the IT-CAP, all clients who feel confident
enough to use alternative login sites are urged do so.)
From your department or home computer: Use your particular
communications software to access the Develnet switch (752-7900
using a modem). At the "Request:" prompt, type: ucdavis.
Running the Program
When the login prompt appears, type: newaccount (one word, all
lowercase letters). Be ready to give your student registration or
staff number, your birth date, and your full name as these items
appear on University records. When finished, you will have the
login name and a password you need for access to campus computer
IT-CAP Ready to Help
During regular IT-CAP hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday), IT-CAP staff are glad to answer questions or
provide assistance for new account candidates. Please call us at
752-2548, or come to 1400 Surge II.