I.T. Times
Volume 2. No 1 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis October 1993

Highlights of Recent Progress on the Network 21 Project

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following information has been gleaned mainly from the meeting minutes of the Network 21 Program Planning Committee. The purpose of the Committee has been to evaluate the scope of Network 21 to develop a Project Planning Guide. This Guide will be presented at the November 18-19 meeting of the UC Board of Regents.


The Network 21 Program Planning Committee has been working with Planning and Budget on a funding scheme which, among other aspects, has involved researching the methods of network funding at other UC campuses.

Network 21 Communications Infrastructure is the term that will be used to link the various elements of the project budget.

Interim Network 21 Project

One of the first priorities of Network 21 is connecting all departments that need access to the Student Information System. To facilitate this requirement, Communications Resources has initiated the Interim Network 21 Project. Solutions are sought to connect the 56 departments in the 30 buildings that currently do not have access to the SIS. Short-term alternatives involve the use of modems, the Develnet, and the existing campus network. For more information, contact Rodger Hess at 752-3995 or rwhess@ucdavis.edu.

Connecting Classrooms

Over the next 2 1/2 years, 50 classrooms will be connected as part of Network 21.

Connecting Remote Sites


The wiring of dorms initially was considered outside the scope of Network 21. Fiber to the buildings, however, is part of the project, and Student Housing with IT are discussing potential arrangements with cable companies to wire dorms.

Primate Center Microwave has been proposed as a short-term solution to link the Primate Center to the campus infrastructure. However, because of that group's need for high bandwidth connections, the Primate Center is looking into financial support for pulling fiber to its location.

Research Park

A 4" conduit has been placed in the overpass for Richards Blvd., now under construction, to provide a vehicle for reaching Research Park.
