Volume 2. No 1
Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis
October 1993
New Ordering Procedures for 16mm Films and Off-campus Media
by Doug Decker, Information Resources
Last year, when UCD faculty wanted to show a 16mm film to a
class, they would call the Media Desk at the IT Campus Access
Point (IT-CAP). The same held true if they wanted a program from
an off-campus rental source, or information on the purchasing or
licensing of new media programs.
During fall 1993, the IT-CAP is phasing out the Media Help Desk.
An in-depth study of the service has revealed that IT can no
longer provide this service in a cost-effective manner and that
service changes are in order. New procedures have been developed,
and though the campus still can access IT program resources, some
tasks have been changed to "self-service."
The new procedures are:
- To schedule a 16mm film from the film library, call
Equipment Loan at 752-3553. Their staff will arrange for the film
and equipment to be delivered to your location and will provide
an operator at your request.
- To have a videotape from the UCD collection played to your
group, call the Video Playback Center at 752-9559, as before.
Their staff will schedule your tape to be played over the campus
cable system to your viewing room. If the room is not connected
to the system, they will arrange to have the display equipment
- To rent film or videotape programs from an off-campus
source, order and pay for the items from within your department.
Then, depending on whether it's a 16mm film or a video tape,
follow procedure 1 or 2.
New Media Location Self-Service Area in IT-CAP
Though IT staff no longer will find and order media items for
campus customers, a new area has been set up in the IT-CAP for
self-service. The Media Location area features an extensive
collection of supplier catalogs and references to help you locate
titles not in the UCD film/tape collection.
This area also provides access to a very user-friendly computer
program called FOLIO. This program can be used to obtain a list
of the offerings in the UCD film/tape library or to search by
subject through the approximately 11,000 entries in the database.
IT-CAP plans to make the FOLIO database accessible on the
Campus-wide Information System (CWIS) in the near future.
Summaries of announcements that appear in vendor bulletins
promoting educational and documentary releases on film,
videotape, public TV, and satellite broadcast are also planned to
be posted on the CWIS.
Ordering Procedures Handout
More information on the new procedures is at the IT-CAP in a
handout titled "How to Order Media Programs from Off-campus
Sources." Upon request, IT-CAP will also provide vendors' phone
numbers to assist ordering of previously-ordered rental programs.
IT-CAP will answer any question you may have about the service
changes or other IT-related issues. Please call us at 752-2548,
send electronic mail to ithelp@ucdavis.edu, or come in to 1400
Surge II.