Volume 2. No 1
Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis
October 1993
Inside I.T.: October 1993
New Login Security System for Fall 1993
Information Technology has been examining ways to improve
password security on IT-managed computer systems at UC Davis. It
has settled on Kerberos as a means to achieve this goal.
The Kerberos login authentication system offers two essential
ingredients for password security at UC Davis:
- it moves the password file away from the system that users
log onto, and
- it prevents passwords going across the network unencoded.
Both features are designed to protect networked systems from
password "crackers."
The newly-established IT Distributed Computing Analysis & Support
unit has already begun installing Kerberos on IT-managed systems.
The first implementation of Kerberos will provide login security
for access to records of the Student Information System. It will
also be used to provide security on academic systems.
IT staff hope to make the changes to the password security
environment as transparent as possible for administrative and
academic users. Please direct any questions about Kerberos to Dan
Dorough of Distributed Computing Analysis & Support; phone:
752-3420; email: dadorough@ucdavis.edu.
Apple Service Provided On-Site
Along with the UCD Bookstore Computer Shop, Technology
Advancement & Resources (TR) has become an Authorized Apple
Service Provider Plus. Not only does TR continue to provide
warranty and non-warranty repair and installation of Apple
products, TR personnel now provide on-site service anywhere on
the main campus, at select off-campus departmental sites (e.g.,
Research Park), and at the UCD Medical Center.
On-site warranty service covers many Apple products purchased on
or after February 1, 1993 (excluding PowerBooks and some other
equipment). On-site service for out-of-warranty equipment is
available to departments only for an additional charge. If your
equipment needs service or to obtain information concerning
warranty coverage of your equipment, call Technology Advancement
& Resources 752-7762.
MBL Service Less Costly to Davis Customers
In the past, Communications Resources (CR) worked with Pacific
Bell to process and pay PacBell's Measured Business Line (MBL)
service orders. These orders incurred charges to a department's
monthly Telecommunications Billing Statement -- including a 25
percent administrative fee on monthly charges and a 9.5 percent
administrative fee on toll charges.
CR will no longer coordinate MBL service requests. Departments,
in turn, will no longer have to pay administrative fees in
addition to the Pacific Bell charges. Instead, the Pacific Bell
bill will be sent directly to the department. MBL adds, moves,
and changes will be handled directly between the department and
Pacific Bell. The Pacific Bell contact for service is Sharon
Greathouse, 811-6279.
Another Billing Change
Develnet charges are moving to the telephone bill. Departments no
longer will be getting that charge on the Computing Services
Budget Charge Notice.
Online Timesheets
The payroll timesheet system will provide departments with the
ability to electronically edit and generate timesheet data for
input to the payroll system. This new process, developed by the
School of Veterinary Medicine and Information Resources, will
replace the paper-based method of processing timesheet data.
Technical contact is Ray Reveles, 757-8794, rreveles@ucdavis.edu.
Start-up contact is Tim Ortez, 757-8542, tjortez@ucdavis.edu.
Touchtone Registration
Information Technology and the Registrar's Office worked
collectively to bring touchtone registration (RSVP) to the Davis
campus. According to Bob Strobel, associate director, over 90
percent of UCD continuing students and 100 percent of UCD law
students have registered using this system.
Digitizing Slides and Audio Tapes
Information Resources is converting many slides and audio tapes
into digital format in the Media Distribution Lab, 1101 Hart
Hall. By fall quarter, users will be able to view select slide
sets in this pilot multimedia project from computers in the lab.
The goal of the project is to increase the limited accessibility
of traditional media on reserve. For more information, contact
Catherine Olvera at 752-9625.
DCAS Mission Statement on the CWIS
Interested parties now can obtain an electronic copy of the
mission statement for the IT Distributed Computing Analysis and
Support Group. It is located on the Campuswide Information System
(CWIS) in The Campus/Using Computers on Campus - Information
Technology/Distributed Computing Analysis and
Groupware Package Evaluated
Information Resources personnel attended an IBM-sponsored
demonstration in Palo Alto recently. The topic was Team Focus, a
"groupware" software package and facilitation process to make
meetings more effective using interactive PCs. The product has
quite a bit to offer both IT and the rest of the campus, though
startup costs, site, and resources for facilitator training are
issues that must be considered. For more information, contact
Kent Kuo of Information Resources at 757-8732.
BANNER SIS Reporting Tool Selected
Team Brio Technologies' DataPrism has been selected to be the
enduser reporting tool for the BANNER Student Information System.
DataPrism allows access to the database without the need for
programming. The Registrar's Office and Admissions Office are
piloting the use of this graphical query tool. Pricing, training,
and ordering will be announced once the pilot is completed.
IT-Managed Academic Systems Changes
VMS -- Information Resources (IR) will be replacing the current
VAX 8600s with a DEC AXP Server running Open VMS. This server
uses the new Alpha RISC processor.
UNIX -- IR is evaluating software and hardware to replace the
current backup system on the academic UNIX platforms. The new
system will increase backup capacity and more fully automate the
backup and restore functions.
Elected Post
John Keller of Technology Resources has been elected to the board
of the Sacramento Chapter of the Society Of Motion Picture and
Television Engineers. In September 1993, he hosted a section
meeting of the chapter at UC Davis, providing its members with a
tour of the Center for Advanced Information Technology, the Olson
Hall Control Room, the Hart Hall multimedia classrooms, and other
IT facilities.
IT-Managed Lab Servers Being Upgraded
Information Resources will be upgrading the file servers in the
microcomputer classrooms as well as the method of access to lab
services. The following is a tentative schedule:
- Fall Quarter, 1993: Install new file servers.
- Winter Quarter, 1993: Require usercodes and passwords for
access to lab servers.
- Fall Quarter, 1994: Begin cost recovery system to ensure
that printing services continue to be available.
Cynthia Pickens, Robert Ralston, Catherine Olvera, Zack
O'Donnell, Laura Townsley, Ray Reveles, Eric Myrehn, Laurie
Bunten, Kent Kuo, Johnson Lai, Dana Drennan, Joyce Johnstone,
Joan Gargano, and Ivars Balkits contributed to "Inside IT."