I.T. Times
Volume 2. No 3 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis Spring 1994

Training Tapes and Computer Tutorials at UCD Bookstore

The UCD Bookstore now carries audio-based and video-based tutorials at reduced prices. Interactive audio-based training tutorials from Personal Training Systems are available for $25 apiece. Each tutorial contains a 90-minute audio cassette tape, a practice disk with examples, a Quick Reference Card, and an Extra Practice Card.

Topics for Macintosh and Windows include:

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Windows 3.1

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Windows for Workgroups

Microsoft Works

Microsoft DOS 6

MS PowerPoint

Aldus PageMaker

Adobe Photoshop

Aldus Freehand

Adobe Illustrator

Aldus Persuasion

Macintosh System 7

Lotus Notes


Lotus 1-2-3

Claris HyperCard



Intuit Quicken


Claris FileMaker Pro

You also can obtain Mac Academy and Windows Academy videotapes for a Bookstore price of $45 apiece. These tapes offer instruction not only on software such as 4th Dimension, MacProject Pro, SuperPaint, etc., but on general computing topics such as: Financial Aid, Legal Aid, Accounting, Networking, and so on.

For stock availability or for further information, contact UCD Bookstore Computer Shop at 752-1945. For a free sampler cassette from Personal Training Systems, call 1-800-832-2499.

Ask the UCD Bookstore about special pricing if you have taken computer classes from Staff Development & Professional Services or from the Instruction Services unit of IT Information Resources.
