Volume 2. No 3
Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis
Spring 1994
Preparing for Network 21 through Electronic
Communications Training
by Ivars Balkits, Planning, Strategy & Administration
Training programs to prepare the campus community
for full implementation of Network 21 are
flourishing. Currently, networking workshops are
taught by staff of Information Resources, the
General Library, and Staff Development &
Professional Services.
Information Resources Classes
IT Information Resources (IR) continues to offer
to faculty and students the popular workshop
"Electronic Communications for the Novice." Demand
for this course in winter 1994 required IR to open
a new section practically every week during that
This free workshop, which introduces the novice
to the Internet, Telnet, MELVYL, Electronic Mail,
Pine, Usenet, Tin, FTP, Archie, Gopher, Veronica,
and the Campuswide Information System, is offered
again during spring quarter 1994.
Here is the spring schedule:
- Apr 21 (Thursday): 3:30-6:30 pm
- Apr 22 (Friday): 2:00-5:00 pm
- Apr 27 (Wednesday): 3:00-6:00 pm
- Apr 28 (Thursday): 3:30-6:30 pm
- May 4 (Wednesday): 3:30-6:30 pm
- May 12 (Thursday): 3:30-6:30 pm
- May 20 (Friday): 2:00-5:00 pm
- May 26 (Thursday): 3:30-6:30 pm
All sections of "Electronic Communications for
the Novice" are held in 14 Hutchison Hall (in the
basement). To sign up for a workshop, call
Information Resources at 752-2131 or 752-2906 or
send electronic mail to learnit@ucdavis.edu. Be
prepared to provide your name, daytime phone
number, and the name and date of the workshop you
wish to attend.
[Editor's Note: For information on advanced
training in electronic communications, see
Advanced E-Communication Course
Debuts in Spring 1994.]
Staff Development Classes
UC Davis staff are eligible for a similar set of
free "Electronic Communications for the Novice,"
provided by Information Resources through Staff
Development & Professional Services. For
information about this program, call 752-1766.
The General Library
General Library classes include "Basic Internet
Tools," "Internet Information Resources," and
"Remote Access to the MELVYL Library System." These
and other Library classes are taught in the
Microcomputer Room on the first floor of Shields
Library. For more information, contact Ken
Firestein at 752-1678 or klfirestein@ucdavis.edu.
Center for Advanced Information Technology
Another resource that helps departments and
individuals plan for effective use of Network 21 is
the Center for Advanced Information Technology
(CAIT). Included among the monthly product
demonstrations and events scheduled at the CAIT are
regular presentations of "Tools for the Digital
The CAIT is the place to look for software
solutions that best take advantage of changing
technologies. CAIT staff not only have a keen
understanding of where software is going in the
industry, but they also have current information
about site licenses, volume discounts, etc.
For more information, contact the CAIT at 752-
5711. Or, visit the CAIT in person at its location
on the first floor of Shields Library. Office hours
are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to noon and
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monthly Calendar of Classes and Info Tech Events
You might want to take a look at the IT Calendar
distributed each month one per campus department.
(A limited number are also distributed through the
IT Campus Access Point, 1400 Surge II.) This news
sheet features up-to-date information on the
classes offered by Information Resources, the
General Library, and Staff Development &
Professional Services, as well as the events hosted
by the Center of Advanced Information Technology.
[Editor's Note: The Information Technology
Administrative Advisory Committee (ITAAC) also is
looking at the issue of electronic communications
training, in terms of faculty training faculty.
Results of an electronic-mail interview
with ITAAC chair Geoffrey Wandesforde-Smith on this topic.]