I.T. Times
Volume 2. No 3 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis Spring 1994

Meeting the Needs of a Growing IT Client Population

by Paula King, Information Resources

The Division of Information Technology has made a commitment to provide a base level of access to computers and networking for all UC Davis students, faculty, and staff.

Individual research needs are balanced against the competing needs of the more than 16,000 active users of IT-managed systems and machines. As we add new campus users at the rate of about 1,000 per month, we want to make sure we provide access for at least electronic mail, the Campuswide Information System (CWIS), newsgroups, and the instructional uses of computing for which we are funded.

Other campuses have chosen to meet growing access needs simply by not allowing additional campus users to have accounts; they provide higher levels of access, but for a restricted portion of their campus population.

We believe we have chosen a more strategic path by continuing to provide a basic level of access to all, and by helping those who do have computers to find solutions that take advantage of their departmental and personal computing resources.

It should be noted, also, that Information Technology does not make these kinds of access decisions without input from the campus community. In fact, the IT-Campus Access Point is preparing for a new round of open meetings and focus groups soon to develop tactical goals for 1994-1995. If interested in participating, please check the CWIS for announcements under The Campus/Using Computers on Campus.../Information Technology/IT Departments/Campus Access Point, or send e-mail to ithelp@ucdavis.edu, or call 752-2548.
