I.T. Times
Volume 2. No 3 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis Spring 1994

E-mail Surge Related to Surge in New Computing Accounts

More than 7,000 new computing accounts have been assigned to campus users since the beginning of the1993-94 school year, reports Joan Gargano, director of Distributed Computing Analysis and Support (in a report generated March 21, 1994).

There are 24,500 e-mail accounts assigned on campus, and 7,343 of those accounts have been created in the last six months. Gargano estimates that about 16,000 accounts are really active.

The database identifies about 4/5 of total account holders as follows:

Faculty: 1,610
Staff: 10,835
Student: 7,758
Visiting Faculty: 34
Visiting Staff: 63
Visiting Students: 48
IT has been able to keep up with the demand for accounts and do it online, without paper, through a new account registration program that uses Oracle and preloads much of the information from other University databases.

In one 10-day period in March 1994, for example, 200 new computing accounts were added to the accounts database. For 126 of these accounts, representation from the major schools and colleges was as follows:

Ag and Environmental Sciences: 28
Engineering: 10
Graduate Studies: 20
Letters and Science: 64
Business Administration: 1
Veterinary Medicine: 1
Law: 2

Faculty, staff and students interested in opening a new account should contact the IT Campus Access Point at 752-2548.
