I.T. Times
Volume 2. No 3 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis Spring 1994

Info Tech Information through Online Newsletters

After you have perused IT Times, why not take a look at these online newsletters covering nationwide information technology topics and trends? All of the following publications are free and "delivered" (after you subscribe) directly to your electronic mailbox.


Edupage is a twice-weekly summary of news items on information technology. It is provided as an online service by EDUCOM, a consortium of leading colleges and universities seeking to transform education through the use of information technology.

To subscribe, send electronic mail to listproc@educom.edu, containing the following text in the body of your message:

SUB EDUPAGE <firstname> <lastname>

Substitute your own first name and last name for "firstname lastname."

Back issues of Edupage are available by WAIS, Gopher, and anonymous FTP from educom.edu.

NOTE: Edupage is now distributed in Spanish and Portuguese translations, courtesy of RNP, a project of the Brazilian National Research Council. For info, send an email query to the following address: edunews@nc-rj.rnp.br.

Educom Update

Educom Update is a twice-a-month electronic information service covering news about Educom, its member institutions, its corporate affiliates, and other organizations that share Educom's goals for transforming education through information technology.

To subscribe, send electronic mail to listproc@educom.edu with the following text in the body of your message:

SUB UPDATE <firstname> <lastname>

Substitute your own first name and last name for "firstname lastname."

To submit news and calendar information, send email to info@educom.edu.

IAT Infobits

INFOBITS is an electronic service of the Institute for Academic Technology's Information Resources Group. Each month this group monitors and selects from a number of information technology and instruction technology sources and provides brief notes for electronic dissemination to college and university educators.

To subscribe, send email to listserv@gibbs.oit.unc.edu containing the following one-line command in the body of the message:

SUBSCRIBE INFOBITS <firstname> <lastname>

Substitute your own first name and last name for "firstname lastname." Once subscribed, you will receive a file telling you how to submit email to the list and how to sign off the list.

If you have problems subscribing or want to send suggestions for future issues, contact Carolyn Kotlas at carolynk.iat@mhs.unc.edu.

IAT Briefings

The Institute for Academic Technology publishes the quarterly newsletter IAT briefings in both paper and electronic form. The newsletter includes articles on innovative uses of technology in higher education.

To subscribe to the online version, send electronic mail to listserv@gibbs.oit.unc.edu with the following text in the body of your message (leaving the "Subject" line blank):

SUBSCRIBE PUBS-IAT <firstname> <lastname>

Substitute your own first name and last name for "firstname lastname."

The IAT server has other IAT technical publications, as well as back issues of the newsletter, available on the archive. A message will be sent to all subscribers when new papers are put on the archive.

Send any story ideas or topics for potential stand-alone publication to the editor: Jonathan Pishney, Institute for Academic Technology, PO Box 12017, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2017; phone: (919) 560-5031; fax: (919) 560-5047; email: jonp.iat@mhs.unc.edu.


Network-News provides access information for various Internet and commercial bulletin board services, including such topics as: new Internet connections, online public library catalogs, interesting information on Gopher servers, recommended reading, special FTP collections, etc. The newsletter is sponsored by Metronet, an online service linking libraries and media centers in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.

To subscribe, send electronic mail to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu with the following text in the body of your message:

SUBSCRIBE NNEWS <firstname> <lastname>

Substitute your own first name and last name for "firstname lastname."

Comments: noonan@msus1.msus.edu

Send corrections and/or comments to: Dana Noonan, Metronet; phone 612) 825-9312 or (612) 224-4801; fax: (612) 224-4827; email: noonan@msus1.msus.edu.
