I.T. Times
Volume 2. No 3 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis Spring 1994

Quick Tips Now at Reserve Desk and Classical Notes

Distribution of the "Quick Tips" series produced by the IT-Campus Access Point (IT-CAP) has been enhanced.

You can now obtain these 2-page documents on information technology topics from the Library Reserve Desk for checkout/photocopying, as well as from Classical Notes in 165 Memorial Union.

Classical Notes, which charges a minimal fee, distributes the "Quick Tips" in the form of complete packets. One packet contains all the "Quick Tips" that pertain to use of Macintoshes. Another contains all the PC-related "Quick Tips."

For more information about the "Quick Tips," contact the IT-CAP (1400 Surge II) at 752-2548 or ithelp@ucdavis.edu.
