I.T. Times
Volume 2. No 4 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis Summer 1994

Campuswide Information System

There are over 24,000 computer accounts on the central systems. Information is accessible in a consistent way via the Campuswide Information System. Several tip sheets in the "Quick Tips" series were designed to enable the campus community to learn quickly how to reach the CWIS, and then to be able to search it for more in-depth help and information. Nearly 5,000 individuals have accessed the CWIS within the last three months.

The use of gopher is expanding and IT is encouraging departments to consider the use of the World Wide Web and to deploy their own servers. Two new servers have been purchased to provide redundant, dedicated, CWIS service.

World Wide Web is being used to:

The Registrar has agreed to make the catalog available through the Web.

Electronic "help line" services have provided answers to nearly 3000 inquiries about software, hardware, and IT services.
