Volume 2. No 4
Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis
Summer 1994
Goals and Ongoing Projects
Creating A New Information Technology
The ITSPC Report called for the
creation of a new information technology reality for the campus. Chancellor
Vanderhoef has called upon the campus to engage in a process of self-renewal.
The IT staff will work in the coming year to build an information technology
reality that will enable campus self-renewal by:
- completing the Network 21 Project (provided the project receives
authorization to proceed)
- expanding its support of individuals responsible for information technologies in distributed units
- expanding the scope of its support for instructional technologies
- collaborating with the Library to improve access to networked information
- designing and implementing a campuswide systems security system
- designing and supporting a robust distributed computing environment
- improving support for site licenses
- prototyping the use of new development technologies for administrative
- focusing on continuous improvement in the systems and services offered to the
campus community
Through these efforts the Information Technology organization hopes to:
- create an informed and self-reliant community of users of technology
- build realistic expectations of the role of information technologies in the activities of the campus, and
- provide the campus with an accessible and usable information technology