Volume 2. No 4
Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis
Summer 1994
Publications and Communications:
Network 21 Planning Tips:
This series, coupled with the IT Times articles on
networking and Network 21 topics, has done much to inform campus administrators
and the general campus about the Project.
This series (patterned after the Network 21 Planning Tips), has met
and continues to meet the Phase 3 recommendation that campus departments be
informed of the ways they can cut telecommunications costs. Issue #2 is due out
in June and will highlight voice mail as a productivity tool. Future issues will address telecommuting and
portable (wireless) communications options.
Payroll and Personnel Systems Fact Sheet:
This information piece met an
urgent need to explain in lay person's terms the complex technical and
organizational issues surrounding development of the UC-wide system.
IT Calendar:
The monthly calendar was launched in December 1993. It has kept
the campus current, regarding info tech events, demos, seminars, workshops,
etc. The people-networking required to put out this document has also
facilitated cooperation and coordination across campus, in providing network
and other info tech training opportunities to the UCD community.
Mining the Internet:
IT Publications & Public Relations continues to
receive email requests for "Mining the Internet/Using the Internet" training
materials, first produced in 1991 for the California Educational Computing
Consortium conference at UC Davis. As a result of a notice describing them in
the Internet Complete Reference and the Internet Yellow Pages, IT is receiving
about 40 requests per month.
Quick Tips:
These tip sheets describe steps for "getting started" in more
than a dozen uses of information technologies on campus. This series has been
very popular with students and faculty, especially for use as class handouts.