In September 1993, the UCD Bookstore Computer Shop began to participate in the Apple Computer Incorporated's Academic Partnership Program. This equipment donation program helps the University reinvest in its campus technology plan with earned credits from purchases of Apple products through the Computer Shop.
As part of the new program, Apple tracks University purchases through the Bookstore Computer Shop for each six-month period and awards points for each system sold. For the first redemption period, the UCD Bookstore Computer Shop's efforts resulted in approximately $20,000 worth of Apple equipment donated to UC Davis.
Information Technology used the accumulated points to select seven newly-released high-end Power Macintosh 7100/66 systems. The Craft Center will receive one system, which will provide students with access to the latest CD ROM, multimedia, and authoring tools. Five Apple systems will be used by students in the Media labs to access the latest campus-developed multimedia resources and coursework. Information Technology will install the final system in their Information Resources department in order to review all of the technology and software related to the PowerPC and to facilitate the rapid integration of the new technology on campus.
Apple Computer, Information Technology and the UCD Bookstore anticipate a continued expansion of the biannual Academic Partnership Program for UC Davis. Information Technology has been asked to assist in the distribution process and is creating a proposal mechanism to ensure that the donated equipment will provide the greatest overall benefit to the campus. Future information will be posted on an electronic mail list, and interested parties can subscribe to |