I.T. Times
Volume 3. No 1 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis Fall 1994

Presentations Focus on Network Applications

Networking was a popular topic at Computer Fest '94. "Information Highwaymen" Ken Weiss and Steve Faith took participants on a brown-bag journey of the World Wide Web. As programmer/analysts for I.T.'s Distributed Computing Analysis and Support group, Weiss and Faith assist campus faculty and staff with the development of networked applications.

Kevin Harrington, pictured with a piece of broadband cable, prepped his audience on how to plan for a network that will serve current and future needs. Through his work with I.T.'s Communications Resources, Harrington helps departments plan and install Local Area Networks.

Others from Information Technology presented seminars as well. Katie Stevens of the I.T.-Campus Access Point demonstrated the Eudora e-mail program. Russ Hobby, director of Advanced Networked and Scientific Applications, introduced his audience to the Multicast Backbone - a multimedia network conferencing tool.

Sponsored by the Division of Information Technology and the UCD Bookstore, Computer Fest '94 took place in October.
