Computer Chat answers the most frequently-asked computer questions. Any question you would like to have addressed in this column can be directed to 754-8302 or sent by e-mail to
The Information Technology Campus Access Point (I.T.-CAP) is the place for students, faculty, and staff to go for help with computing needs. The I.T.-CAP staff provides technical support for certain public domain and site-licensed software, including Internet tools like Eudora, Pine, Gopher, Tin, Mosaic, Netscape, Fetch and Listprocessors; and for communications tools like Clarkson Telnet, Kermit, PC/TCP, SLIP, PPP, FTP, MacIP, NCSA Telnet, and Mac TCP. The I.T.-CAP can provide only limited technical support for commercial software where other technical support is readily available from the software company; for basic UNIX programs like RN/Read News and UNIX Mail; and for popular word-processing and spreadsheet programs like MSWord, WordPerfect, and MSExcel.
To reach the World Wide Web from a machine in a Macintosh lab, and to access graphics as well as text, double-click on the Mosaic icon, in the network utilities folder. To reach Mosaic from an IBM lab, select the Windows option in the menu and double-click on the Mosaic icon, which is in the Network Utilities Window under Program Manager.
You can also access the Web from home using a modem even if you don't have the Mosaic software by logging into the campus computer system through chip, dale, or rocky, and typing lynx at the prompt. |