I.T. Times
Volume 3. No 2 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis Winter 1995

Networking Services Reports to Hartline

Effective February 1, 1995, Communications Resources and Networking Services will report to Doug Hartline, project director for Network 21.

Hartline will oversee the expansion of the campus communication infrastructure.

"As UC Davis moves toward Network 21 and a fully networked environment, we will see a stronger integration of voice and data services," says Carole Barone, Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Technology. "It is important that the campus has someone to orchestrate a smooth merging of these technologies."

According to Hartline, the rapid emergence of new technologies has also sparked a need for the campus to perform small scale experimental implementations with new technologies in order to be technically prepared when these technologies move instream. "If we are going to address the technical needs of the campus community, we must invest time researching and understanding new applications and their relevance to the university's functions before they become universally available," says Hartline.

Wireless communication is an example of such a technology as it will touch all of our lives in one form or another thorugh the availability of future products that can take advantage of it.

Hartline will continue in his role as Executive Assistant to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Technology.
