I.T. Times
Volume 3. No 3 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis Spring 1995

CAIT's Corner

A joint project of the General Library and the Division of Information Technology, the Center for Advanced Information Technology (CAIT) is located on the first floor of Shields Library. Hours are 9 a.m. - noon and 1 - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. CAIT's Corner is brought to you by the CAIT staff.

New Hardware

We now have an Austin Pentium 90 with 40MB RAM and a 1GB hard drive. It has a PCI bus, 64-bit video card and a built-in 14.4 modem. It is running Windows NT, and will serve FTP and HTTP files. This machine is being used for administrative purposes, but you are welcome to come in and take a look at it.

We also have two new machines on loan to us from Apple Computer, Inc. - a Performa 6115CD and a Workgroup Server 6150. Both machines have the PowerPC 601 microprocessor. The Performa 6115CD has 8MB RAM, 350MB hard drive, a double-speed CD-ROM drive and a GeoPort Teleport 14.4 Fax Modem. The Workgroup Server 6150 has 8MB RAM and a 500MB hard drive.

New Software

The software listed here is new in the CAIT this Spring. To evaluate any of these titles, please give us a call and schedule an appointment.

Tech Talk

Macintosh clones. Yes, it is true. The Macintosh architecture is going to be built into computers produced by manufacturers other than Apple. As many as 50 vendors will be competing for different markets in the once-strictly Apple arena.

CAIT Projects

To support the burgeoning campus interest in establishing sites on the World Wide Web (WWW), the CAIT offers PubWeb, a Web server available to departments, faculty, and ASUCD recognized clubs or organizations. This service is designed for those who 1) do not have network connections, or 2) do not have the hardware for a proper WWW server. The information that is put on PubWeb can be stored there for a one-year period (negotiable). PubWeb uses a Macintosh WGS 95 running system 7.1.

Groups that would like some coaching on how to write a home page, can request a short lesson in HTML basics. Information can be transferred to PubWeb from Unix, PC, and Mac systems using either floppies or FTP. If you are interested in establishing a home page on PubWeb, call 752-6387 to schedule an appointment.
