Volume 3. No 3
Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis
Spring 1995
Online Databases Grow in Size and Subject
by Anne Jackson, Information Technology Publications
How many remember only fourteen years ago when "research " nearly always
meant a trip to the library to thumb through a card catalog and page manually through
endless printed indexes to periodical literature? Now, what looks like nothing more than a
screen on a box with a keyboard provides an instantaneous eye into decades-and in some
cases centuries-of research and published material from all over the world in every
imaginable discipline and subject area.
The University of California Library system has been busy developing and harnessing
these vast resources for UC faculty, students, and staff through an ever-growing collection
of online databases. The databases are available to anyone with a campus computer
account from a network-linked campus computer or from a home computer through a
modem connection. They are also available to the public through computers in campus
The databases provide citations to books, journal articles, dissertations, and other
published materials. Increasingly, abstracts and full text are included. Short courses
explaining how to access and search the databases as well as how to download and print
search results are presented throughout the academic year by Data Services Librarian Ken
Firestein. Class schedules are posted in the library and on the Campuswide Information
System (via gopher). Most of the databases also provide online search guidance.
The databases fall generally into four categories:
- MELVYL ® Catalog and Databases include the holdings of the University of California
Library system as well as other selected libraries and, under special site-licenses, eight
commercial journal article databases: MEDLINE PLUS®, Current Contents®, MAGS,
NEWS, COMP, INSPEC, PsycINFO®, and ABI/INFORM®.* In Fall 1995, BIOSIS, a
large biological sciences database, will also become available to UC users. All of the
MELVYL databases employ the same search commands. Although the MELVYL catalog is
available to any member of the public, use of the MELVYL databases from remote
locations is restricted to members of the UC community. To access these databases from a
remote connection, users must either log onto the campus computer system by giving a
campus computer account username and password, or provide a special MELVYL system
password (available to UC faculty, staff, and students with UC identification from any
UCD reference librarian or from the Shields Library information desk). Passwords are
good for one year. A special bonus feature available only for MELVYL databases is an
UPDATE service, which provides for search requests to be periodically repeated and
results mailed automatically to the subscriber.
- MELVYL Gateway Databases, each with specialized features and search procedures,
are commercial databases, site-licensed for UC users and made available through the
MELVYL system. Some of these databases can also be searched with MELVYL
commands. MELVYL gateway databases include two giant information services,
EUREKA and FirstSearch, each containing a suite of databases in various subject areas.
Others in the MELVYL Gateway category include ERIC, HAPI, GeoRef, and CQ
Washington Alert. Those logging on from remote locations must supply a campus
computer account username and password.
- Networked CD-ROM Databases are available to campus computer account-holders
from network-linked campus computers, from home computers through modem
connections, or from networked computers in library reference departments. For remote
access, users must supply a campus computer account username and password, as well as
a separate CD-ROM password, available from any UC Davis general library reference
- Stand-alone CD-ROM Databases are available on computers in the various library
departments. Reference librarians can advise on CD-ROM resources and help with search
Following is a guide to some of the many databases now available to the UC
MELVYL Databases
MELVYL Catalog
Lists the library holdings of the nine-campus University of California system and the
California State Library, including books, serials, musical scores, maps, audiovisual
materials, and computer files. To access, type CAT at the MELVYL prompt. To search
only material published in the last ten years, type TEN at the MELVYL prompt. This more
limited search will run faster than a search of the entire catalog.
Lists more than 1 million periodical holdings of UC, California State Library, California
Academy of Sciences, Stanford University, University of southern California, California
State University, and other selected libraries. A search for the location of a particular
periodical can be performed in the middle of another search by typing the command Find
PE or Find XPE.
Article citations from more than 4,000 journals in health, life sciences, health
administration, and related disciplines. Covers the years 1966-74 (MED66); (1975-79
(MED75); 1980-84 (MED80); 1985-89 (MED85) and 1990 - date (MED). To access, type
MED (Or, e.g., MED80) at the MELVYL prompt.
Current Contents® (CC, CCT)
Article citations from more than 6,500 journals in agriculture, biology, environmental
sciences, clinical medicine, life sciences, engineering, technology, applied sciences;
physical, chemical, and earth sciences, social and behavioral sciences; and arts and
humanities. Covers 1989 to present. To access, type CC at the MELVYL prompt. Users
can also view tables of contents of journals in the database by typing CCT at the MELVYL
Magazine and Journal Articles (MAGS)
Article citations from some 1,500 periodicals, including academic journals in social
sciences, humanities, sciences, business, and law, as well as popular magazines such as
Time and Newsweek. Many listings include article abstracts. Full text is included for some
publications. To access, type MAGS at the MELVYL prompt.
Newspaper Articles (NEWS)
Article citations from five major newspapers: The New York Times, Los Angeles Times,
Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and Christian Science Monitor. Covers 1992 to
present. To access, type NEWS at the MELVYL prompt.
Computer Articles (COMP)
Article citations from more than 200 journals in various computer fields. Covers 1988 to
present. Full text included for some periodicals. To access, type COMP at the MELVYL
Article citations from more than 4,200 journals and 1,000 conference proceedings, books,
reports, and dissertations in physics, astronomy, electrical engineering and electronics,
computers, control technology, communications, and information technology. Covers the
years 1969 to present. For 1989 to present, type INS at the MELVYL prompt; for 1985-
88, type INS85; for 1980-84, type INS80; for 1969-79, type INS69.
Citations from more than 1,300 journals, books, book chapters, dissertations and reports
in psychology, social sciences, and related disciplines. Covers 1967 to present for articles
and 1987 to present for books. Includes abstracts. Type PSYC at the MELVYL
Article citations from more than 1200 business, management, and finance journals. Covers
1985 to present. Includes abstracts. Full text included for 500 publications from 1991 to
present. To access, type ABI at the MELVYL prompt.
MELVYL Gateway Databases
English Short Title Catalog
Catalog of British, British colonial, and other English-language printed materials produced
between 1473 and 1800. To access, type USE ESTC at the MELVYL prompt.
CQ Washington Alert
U.S. legislative and regulatory information, provided by Congressional Quarterly, Inc. To
access, type USE CQ at the MELVYL prompt.
Citations for more than 3,500 journals and other publications in more than 40 languages in
the fields of geology and geophysics, covering the years 1785 to present for the geology of
North America and 1933 to present for the geology of other areas. To access, type USE
Covers journal articles and reports in educational research and allied areas published since
1966. To access, type USE ERIC.
The Hispanic American Periodicals Index contains references to articles and other items on
Latin America, the U.S.-Mexico border region, and Hispanics in the United States in about
400 social science and humanities journals. Covers 1970 to present. To access, type USE
Eureka is an information system containing selected databases. Most can be searched with
MELVYL commands. To access, type USE EUREKA, followed by the command for any
of the following databases:
- Research Libraries Information Network
Bibliographic File (BIB). A catalog of 22 million items
from more than 200 leading university and research libraries,
archives, museums and historical societies, law, medical, art,
music, and theological libraries, as well as some public and
corporate libraries.
- Anthropological Literature (ANL). An index to several
hundred journals in anthropology and archaeology, published
by the Tozzer Anthropology Library at Harvard University.
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (AVE).
Index of articles in more than 1,000 periodicals in
architecture and related disciplines, including general
architecture, architectural design, interior design,
landscape architecture, history of architecture, city
planning, and historic preservation.
- Handbook of Latin American Studies(HLA).
Citations to books, book chapters, articles, and
conference papers in Latin American studies from
1990 to the present. About 75% of the citations include
content summaries.
- History of Science and Technology (HST).
Index to journal articles, conference proceedings,
books, book reviews, and dissertations in the history
and science and technology and in related historical fields.
- Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (FLP). Index
to articles in more than 450 legal journals, as well
as essay collections and conference proceedings in
the areas of international law, comparative law, and
municipal law of countries other than the U.S. and Great
- Index to Hispanic Legislation (WLI). Index to laws,
regulations, and decrees of 29 Spanish-speaking countries
and former Portuguese colonies in Africa from 1976 -
present. Includes English abstracts.
- Inside Information (IIN). Index to articles in
10,000 journals and magazines from the British
Library Document Supply Centre from October 1992
- present. Covers all topics.
FirstSearch is a second group of databases available to UC affiliates through a special
licensing agreement. Most can be searched with MELVYL commands. To access, type
USE FirstSearch, followed by the command for any of the following databases:
- World Cat. The world's largest database of bibliographic information,
containing 27 million records of materials owned by some 12,000 libraries around the
- ArticleFirst. TM Citations from the contents pages of more than 11,000
journals in science, technology, medicine, social science, business, humanities, and
popular culture. Covers 1990 to present. Includes many abstracts. Comparable to Current
Contents, but covers more journals.
- ContentsFirst. TM Tables of Contents of the 11,000 journals indexed in
ArticleFirst (see above).
Available to UC users only since January 1995, this database provides citations to 200
key international English-language arts publications, including periodicals, yearbooks,
museum bulletins, competitions and award notices, exhibition listings, interviews, and film
reviews. Covers September 1984 to present.
Networked CD-ROM Databases
The following CD-ROM databases can be reached through networked connections from
home or campus computers or from designated terminals in library reference departments.
Remote access to these databases requires a separate password, available from any UCD
reference librarian. To access the CD-ROM network from an off-campus computer, type
libcdrom at the Request prompt. From a campus computer, type
telnet libcdrom at the system prompt (e.g., %, $, or >) or type
gopher and follow the path: Library Area, MELVYL Library System and
Other Databases and Catalogs, and select CD-ROMS.
- Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
- Chicano Database
- Dissertation Abstracts
- Economic Literature
- Food Sciences and Technology Abstracts
- Life Sciences
- MLA Bibliography.
- MathSci
- National Technical Information Service
- Water Resources Abstracts
Stand-alone CD-ROM Databases
Stand-alone CD-ROM databases are available for use at CD-ROM stations in library
reference departments. Reference librarians can help with search methods and provide up-
to-the minute advice about what's available. Here is a sampling of CD-ROMs now
available in the library reference departments designated:
- Sacramento Bee Index (Humanities/Social Sciences)
- Sociofile (Humanities/Social Sciences)
- Bibliography of Native North Americans (Humanities/Social Sciences)
- Oxford English Dictionary (Humanities/Social Sciences)
- Wildlife and Fish Worldwide (Biological and Agricultural Sciences)
- CAB-I (Biological and Agricultural Sciences)
- EPA Toxic Release Inventory (Government Documents)
- GPO Monthly Catalog (Government Documents)
- Census (Government Documents)
- Index to United Nations Documents and Publications (Government Documents)
- ClimateData (Physical Sciences Library)
- Toxic Release Inventory (Physical Sciences Library)
- Chemical Abstracts 12th Collective (Physical Sciences Library)
- VetCD (Health Sciences Library)
- BeastCD (Health Sciences Library)
- Current Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) (Medical Center