Volume 4. No 1
Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis
September 1995
NetWork 21
The long-awaited Network 21 Project is underway. The project, which will interconnect the campus with a high-speed fiber optic network, is scheduled for completion in June 1997. It will be completed in four phases:
- Phase I: Communication closet renovation
- Phase II: Placement of high-speed fiber optic cable
- Phase III: Installation of electronic routers and hubs
- Phase IV: Installation of horizontal wiring in buildings
When Network 21 is fully configured, individuals will be able to plug computers into the campus network in much the same way telephone connections are made.
Closet Renovation
Work on the first phase of the Network 21 project - communication closet renovation - began in July. To make sure existing infrastructure is compatible with Network 21 technology, communications closets in many campus buildings must be renovated - and in some cases expanded - to provide adequate electrical capacity and ventilation. Closet renovation will be conducted in phases, and departments located in campus buildings where renovation work is scheduled have been notified.
Contact Diana Ross at dlross@ucdavis.edu or 754-8186 if you have questions about the closet renovations.
Preparing for Bids
Contractors and subcontractors representing nine pre-qualified vendors gathered on campus July 26 & 27 for the Network 21 Campus Fiber Optic Cable System Project Pre-Bid Conference. UC Davis is soliciting bids from contractors to design and build the fiber optic cable system that will form the backbone for Network 21. Jim Burns, project manager for the campus fiber optic cable system, coordinated the event.
Archaeologists at Work
As I.T. prepares to move the campus into the 21st century with construction of Network 21, archaeologists will be making sure the past is preserved. Pacific Legacy of Woodland has been selected as archeological consultant for the Network 21 project. Before trenches are dug for placement of the network's fiber optic cable, Pacific Legacy will survey and sample the area for archaeological finds. Any significant resources that are recovered will be donated to an appropriate cultural or historical center. When Native American archaeological, ethnographic, or spiritual resources are found, identification and handling of those resources will be conducted jointly by an archeologist and Native American representatives who are approved by the local Native American community as scholars of their cultural traditions.
Buildings Connected by Network 21
When complete, Network 21 will connect over 200 buildings on campus. For a current list of buildings to be connected by Network 21, send e-mail to ietpubs@ucdavis.edu or call 752-5965. In the message, please include your name, department, and e-mail address. Also, indicate how you would like to receive the list - through e-mail or on paper.
The list of buildings can be viewed on the World Wide Web at
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