I.T. Times
Volume 4. No 1 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis September 1995

New Schedule for I.T. Times

In response to requests for more frequent communication about technology news and developments, the I.T. Times begins a new publication schedule today. We will publish monthly during the academic year, with a combined December/January edition. The I.T. Calendar, once distributed as a separate handout, now appears here. You can also look for regular Network 21 project updates, case studies, and sites to visit on the World Wide Web.

Along with the new schedule comes a new look created by Doug Gentry and Marianne Post of Repro Graphics.

Contributions are welcome. Send them to ietpubs@ucdavis.edu or call 752-5965. If you are interested in learning more about what Information Technology has to offer, come visit us on the World Wide Web at: http://www.ucdavis.edu/IT/
