Division of Biological Sciences
This home page offers a detailed look at the Division of Biological Sciences. It includes personnel/student profiles, information about campus centers administered by the Division of Biological Sciences (including the Center for Neuroscience), and a listing of seminars related to the biological sciences.
University of California National Laboratories
This page contains a tremendous amount of information about the University of California's lab management partnership with the Department of Energy. It includes an organization chart for the UC Office of the President, descriptions of the laboratories and their managing offices, programs related to the laboratories, news releases, and copies of the administrative newsletter, LabSource (the current copy is in HTML format, and back issues are in Acrobat PDF format).
Graduate Studies
The Graduate Studies home page contains information about various graduate programs in arts, education, humanities, social sciences, biological sciences, agricultural sciences, engineering, mathematics, and the physical sciences. Application information, information about the Davis community, descriptions of campus research facilities, and a link to the Dean's Office page are also included.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
The UC Agricultural Health and Safety Center is now publishing the NIOSH home page on the World Wide Web. This page offers a wealth of information about NIOSH (activities in the U.S., 800 number, database information, directory, training, publications, sponsored meetings and current events, what's new, employment opportunities, descriptions of various agricultural health and safety centers), as well as online versions of the NIOSH newsletter.
ietpubs@ucdavis.edu |