I.T. Times
Volume 4. No 2 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis October 1995

Multimedia Presentation Provides Modern View of Modern Organizations

What is a free radical? The answer to this and other questions surrounding challenges faced by those working in higher education today are included in a multimedia presentation by Carole Barone, Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Technology.

"There Is No Such Thing as a Free Radical" is the title of the presentation scheduled for Monday, Oct. 23, from noon - 1 p.m., in MU II.

Radical changes in the social and economic climate have caused radical changes in higher education. These changes require a new style of information technology organization and a new style of working within that organization.

In her talk, Barone will present her view of the organic organization and show how members of organic organizations have the ability to do what they have to do to exploit opportunities. All members of the campus community are invited to attend. For further information call 752-1215.
