I.T. Times
Volume 4. No 3 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis November 1995

At Home on the Web

Information Center for the Environment

The Information Center for the Environment home page contains information about the Center and its many supporters, as well as discussing a number of current projects (including the California Rivers Assessment, the California Watershed Projects Inventory, the John Muir Exhibit). Other links:

Network Etiquette Guidelines

The Network Etiquette Guidelines, produced by the Responsible Use of the Network (RUN) Working Group of the IETF, offers a basic set of guidelines for network etiquette which can be adapted by any organization for its own use. These guidelines discuss one-to-one communication, one-to-many communication, information services, and security considerations. A bibliography for further reading is also included.

Public Communications: News and Communications

This page includes links to UC Davis news (breaking news, research and general campus news releases), UC NewsWire (national news stories related to or involving the UC system), a News Media Service page (still under construction), and text versions of Dateline and UC Davis magazine. You will also find listings of campus seminars and events, and a series of facts about UC Davis (including campus life, how UC Davis ranks, research and cultural programs, the history of UC Davis, UCD administration, and contact or visiting information).
