These tips may not fit in your backpack, but they will make for smoother studies. Here are five things to get you going:
Get Connected: Go to the UCD Bookstore and pick up Bovine Online. This software package and manual will register your account and get you up and running on e-mail and the World Wide Web.
Visit I.T. Express: As long as you're at Shields Library, you may as well get that computer question answered and get those copies made.
Find Self-Paced Learning Lab: A library of self-paced learning materials on frequently used software programs and operating systems is available at 1101 Hart Hall.
Check out the New Labs: Windows 95 is now running in all the PC labs, but don't expect to find "95" in the basement of Hutchison. The Hutchison labs are closed, and new - and improved - labs are open in the basement of Olson. Computer labs have Internet access and are open to students when not in classroom use. For more information go to
Administer CPR: In case of emergency, contact Computer/Printer Repair. Located in Art Annex, this is the place to turn when your computer konks outs. CPR specializes in Apple products and Hewlett Packard printers. Call 752-7762.