Administrative Information Systems Move From A11The A11 mainframe, which for years has hosted a number of campus administrative functions, will semi-retire in July and will be permanently decommissioned in February 1998. Functions supported by the A11 have included general ledger, accounts payable, salary-roll cost, equipment inventory, permanent budget, staffing list, and grounds and buildings. Many of these functions will be replaced by DaFIS. [See the chart below for a list of major administrative systems and their replacements.] In preparation for the A11 decommission, the Information Technology Data Center will contact all account users to find out the length of time they will need accounts and disk files. Users will also have the opportunity to determine the disposition of their A11 tapes. A list of each user's assigned tapes will be included with the letter. The following is the overall sequence of steps being taken to complete the A11 96/97 fiscal year administrative processes and decommission the A11.
The Data Center and application support staff welcome your comments, suggestions, and questions during the A11 deactivation process. For account deactivation or disk storage needs, contact Kent Fugazi (754-8309;; for tape archival and disposal information, contact Carol Mitchell (754-9950;; for employee database (EDB) information, contact Linda Honzik (757-8772;; and for questions regarding information system transition, contact Ray Reveles (757-8794;