At Home on the Webcollected by Richard Darsie, Webmaster for I.T. Information and EventsEditor's Note: At Home on the Web is a regular feature of the I.T. Times. If you have a Web site you would like featured in the column, send e-mail to
I.T. Employment Opportunities Technology's staff position openings are now listed online at this site, with links to the Human Resources listing for each position and to the HR page where you can find application forms. The page is updated weekly. Centers for Water and Wildland Resources Centers for Water and Wildland Resources has developed an online, web-based Directory of Water and Wildland Expertise in the University of California system. This directory was traditionally published in hardcopy, but is now available as a searchable, comprehensive database containing listings of UC specialists, faculty and staff members involved with water-related and wildland-related research. The directory will be expanded over time to include California State University and state and federal scientists. Commission on the Environment UCD Commission on the Environment promotes multidisciplinary research on local, regional, and global environmental problems. Links include a detailed statement of the commission's objectives, a description of funded projects, and a listing of the many special-interest workgroups operating under the commission's umbrella. This well-designed site is worth a look. I.T. Times Index, there is an online index to all those back issues of the I.T. Times! Going back to Fall Quarter of 1993, this topical index has links to all the articles online, so you won't need to search around in file cabinets to find the ones you want. CorrectionIn the June edition of At Home on the Web, the item "Personnel Policy Online" gave the impression that Human Resources maintains the electronic version of UC's policy manuals. This is not the case; the HR page links to the official electronic version of the manuals, which are maintained (in both electronic and hard copy) by the Office of the Chancellor. The home page for the manuals is From there, you can reach the UCD administrative manuals, as well as all the Universitywide manuals maintained by the Office of the President. We regret this error and any confusion it may have caused. |