Evolving Technology

Campus Explores Password Technology
Common Authentication System in the Works
UC Davis is looking into making it easier for computer users to manage their multiple Login IDs and passwords. Common authentication services would make it possible for technologists to weave multiple systems so users see fewer kinds of login prompts and need to remember fewer passwords for the number of computer systems they access.

Inside the Password Process
A look and the intricate step by step authentication process of logging into UC Davis computing systems.

MyUCDavis Offers Portable Email
Every day, about 18,000 people check their email using MyUCDavis, and 12,000 of those people do so from off campus. Web-based email makes this possible. This month, we feature yet another service the portal offers, making it just as relevant to faculty and staff as it is to students.

New Technology

Technology To the Rescue
Campus Tours Award-Winning Fire Department Web Site
After a locally designed Web site recently gained national attention, technologists here on campus got the chance to meet the man behind the magic.

Making the Switch to Digital
The answer to the question you asked:
“I have a large collection of 35mm slides that I often use in my classes. Would it be worthwhile to convert them to digital format? Is there any place on campus that can help me?”

News and Events

Ripple Effects In Educational Technology
In just three quarters' time, the ET Partners program, which pairs instructors with technology-trained students has had a far-reaching effect on bringing educational technology into the classrooms of UC Davis.

Campus Meets USA Patriot Act Deadline
Works with INS to Retain International Visitors
UC Davis currently hosts 1,400 international students and 1,200 international scholars, and those numbers are growing every year. In order to keep these valuable visitors, the campus must comply with new federal laws put in place by the USA Patriot Act, which has introduced changes in the way the nation’s campuses are required to track international students, scholars, and exchange visitors.

New Software Web Site
A new feature has been added to the MyUCDavis portal that allows you to download free software and order programs distributed by the Software Licensing Coordination Team (SLC). The new feature offers services designed to make obtaining software easier.

IT Security Symposium
Date Set, Presentations Sought

Most computer users and administrators readily acknowledge that the number of computer security incidents is increasing. In answer to the myriad of unauthorized break-ins, attacks, and identity theft incidents that cost system administrators and programmers time and effort, Information and Educational Technology (IET) is pleased to announce an IT Security Symposium, to be held on campus June 18-20, 2003.

Technology Report Online
Each quarter, Information and Educational Technology (IET) publishes the IET Quarterly Report to inform the campus public of its activities, accomplishments, and contributions to the campus mission.

Free Technology Training for Faculty and Staff
A variety of training seminars and informal presentations continue on campus through the end of Winter quarter.

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