Planning for Annual Summer Institute Underway
For the past seven years, UC Davis instructors have discovered a special week at the end of July. A week devoted to hearing what other faculty are including in their teaching, discussing teaching with colleagues, and learning new technology tools -- in what amounts to computer camp for grown-ups, and it is all free for the asking. Faculty Are The Focus
Come Away with Skills and Knowledge
A SITT week wouldn't be complete if the attendees didn't come away with new skills as well as new ideas. In addition to presentations on course Web pages, in-class presentations, and multiple ways of communicating with students, there will be a variety of hands-on labs to choose from. Most of the labs are lead by faculty and appeal to the full range of tech-spertise: from just getting your feet wet with the basics of PowerPoint to creating animations and charting the depths of course management applications.Want to Contribute?
Is there someone in your department who has found a successful use of technology that others on campus might want to hear about? The Teaching Resources Center is currently filling the SITT program and recruiting faculty presenters. Please contact the TRC (752-6050) if you are interested in making a presentation or have a skill that you would like to teach in a lab.