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Retool Your Course with MyUCDavis (Winter 2002)

Symposium Explores MyUCDavis, Other Course Management Options (Dec 2001)

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 Center for the Performing Arts

Electronic Communications Policy


UC Davis NBA Web site


Mondavi Center for Performing Arts Prepares Ticket Purchase System
The new Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts will open this fall to host some fantastic artists and will also house staff of the UC Davis Ticket Office (formerly known as the Campus Box Office). The Ticket Office handles sales for all ticketed campus events, including those programmed by UC Davis Presents events. UC Davis Presents will begin to sell 2002-2003 season tickets at the end of April, when the arts calendar is finalized and announced.

The UC Davis Ticket Office, in collaboration with programming departments on campus and with Communications Resources and Information Resources, is launching Paciolan, a new Unix-based ticketing system that will support season subscription orders submitted via phone, fax and mail. Beginning in August, individual tickets for all campus events will be available through the Internet as well. The UC Davis Ticket Office manages seating charts/ticket availability, the events database, the patron database, credit card authorization, and ticket printing and distribution. will continue to support ticket sales for select programs.

Prior to the opening of the Mondavi Center, the UC Davis Ticket Office will improve service by enhancing the corps of call center operators located in the Memorial Union Sky Room, adding an initial selection menu and automatic call distribution system to the call center phone system to enable call queuing and multiple telephone lines.

Sign up to receive email updates about the Mondavi Center performances and ticket sales at the Center for the Performing Arts Web site.

Keep It Handy! Your Guide to Online Course Management Tools
A little blue brochure may have arrived in your mailboxes recently, if you are an instructor (Faculty, Lecturer, or TA) here on campus. If you had a chance to read it alongside all those ever-fattening piles of student papers and early-quarter quizzes, you'll know that this handy brochure outlines the suite of course management tools located on the campus Web portal, MyUCDavis. Since these electronic tools are fairly new, the brochure gives you a brief tour through tools such as a course Web site builder, an online interactive gradebook, electronically updated course rosters, course-related chat rooms and class mailing lists, and much, much more. If you need any additional copies of this brochure, email Mary Sue Hedrick: If you would like additional help with the use of course management tools on MyUCDavis, call Joseph Coulombe (754-2115) to schedule an appointmet at the Arbor.

Give us your feedback: If you encounter problems or have comments regarding any features or services offered on MyUCDavis, please contact the MyUCDavis Development Team by clicking on the "Contact Us" link at the top of the page in MyUCDavis.

Educational Technology Training Opportunities
Want to learn the basics of using PowerPoint to create course presentations? Want to know what MyUCDavis is all about? Ready to delve into some Website-building software such as Dreamweaver or Flash? Or maybe you want to find out all about the future trends in Computer-Aided Instruction. There are plenty of upcoming training sessions to go right along with your spring fever. Take advantage of the wealth of courses offered throughout the quarter by the Teaching Resources Center, the Arbor, and the Computer-Aided Instruction Program of the English Department. Visit the Faculty Technology Guide online for a complete schedule of events. Or check out the Teaching Resources Center Web site.

New Standards of Privacy in Recently Adopted UC Davis Electronics Communications Policy
A policy significantly changing the governance of electronic communications and the use of campus computers and the network was adopted March 29, 2002. While the previous policy addressed only email communications, the new policy includes all forms of electronic communications, such as instant messaging, Web pages, telephone, video conferencing, and more. The basic tenet of the policy is the protection of the rights of the privacy of the individual. New directions for acceptable use and administrative responsibilities are also outlined in the policy. You can read the new policy in full online.

UC Davis Initiates Recruitment for NBA Project Manager
Applications are now being accepted for a new full-time project manager position for the UC Davis New Business Architecture (NBA) Initiative. The NBA Project Manager will be responsible primarily for providing overall leadership and working directly with the NBA Implementation Workgroup to establish objectives/goals of the project and monitor overall performance. Among other responsibilities, the incumbent will also serve as the day-to-day spokesperson and champion for the project to internal constituencies.

The position is open until filled. Resumes will be reviewed starting June 14, 2002. For more information about the New Business Architecture Initiative and to read the complete job description for the Project Manager position, see the NBA Web site.


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