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UC Davis New Business Architecture

IET Creates News Database to More Effectively Distribute Technology News and Announcements

If you want to keep up with technology news and announcements there's more than the IT Times to keep you informed. A newly-created IET News Database will offer a centralized communication method for distributing news and announcements via the Web to the campus public. When any IET unit has news to report to the campus, the information can be fed to the database, which funnels the reports, updates, and stories to the news sections of the appropriate IET Web sites.

This type of centralized database will allow IET to present the news in a uniform way on many sites so that audiences will be assured up-to-date IET info regardless of the sites they visit.

The IET News Database is already in use on several IET sites, including the Student Computing Guide, the UC Davis Security site, and other IET sites are invited to take advantage of this new feature.

To learn more about the News Database, and how to become a subscriber to the Database listserv, head to the What's New section of the IET Web site.

Tech Training at the Arbor Continues

Meet The Experts is a series of presentations in which you (staff or instructor on campus) can watch the technical folks demonstrate their skills. The following presentations remain for this quarter. Check with the Arbor for Winter Quarter schedules.

November 7, 11AM-12PM
Streaming Video/Audio with PowerPoint
Paul VerWey - Bert Craig, Mediaworks

November 14, 11AM-12PM
Photoshop - Using Layers
Gabriel Unda, Mediaworks

November 21, 11AM-12PM
Cold Fusion and the Internet
Lisa Wilson, Earl Schellhous, Mediaworks

All presentations are on Thursdays at 11AM. Please RSVP soon as seating is limited. Email or call 754-2115.

Campus Computer Labs Move and Improve

In an effort to accommodate academic departments and UC Davis Resource Management and Planning, Computer Lab Management is in the process of relocating the TB114 open access lab to 73 Hutchison Hall. The move, which began this summer, will include the transfer of 30 computers and house newly acquired computers, one server, and two printers along with its associated furniture. Based on the most recent construction news, the new facility in Hutchison is expected to open in November. The TB114 facility was renovated and used during summer 2002 as a physics lab.

The 73 Hutchison space will accommodate additional work stations. Computer Lab Management intends to install up to six additional stations once it receives funding for additional computers and furniture.

UC Davis New Business Architecture Hires a Project Manager

The NBA Project Manager Recruitment Committee has announced the selection of Deborah Flagg-Parker as project manager for the UC Davis New Business Architecture Initiative. Deborah started in her new position on Friday, November 1, 2002.

Deborah holds a degree in information systems and has been involved with project management for the past ten years. She comes to UC Davis from UC Berkeley where she has been overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Human Resources unit for the last two years. Prior to joining UC Berkeley, Deborah worked on our campus for three years as technical project manager on projects involving major campus administrative systems, including the Banner Security Project and DaFIS.

In her new position, Deborah will be charged with developing the vision and strategies to lead UC Davis through the implementation of the New Business Architecture. She will work closely with the Implementation Workgroup and provide project oversight to the NBA teams. In doing so, she will help establish overall project goals and facilitate the development of a plan to guide the re-engineering of business processes and policies.

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