New UC Davis Internet Toolkit Available

Bovine Online is the UC Davis Internet Toolkit CD. Available at the UC Davis Bookstore Computer Shop for under $5.00, the CD is loaded with software to help UC Davis students, faculty and staff get the most out of the Internet and email.
The CD includes the following software:
- Mozilla 1.0 - Web Browser that works best with UC Davis tools such as MyUCDavis.
- Norton AntiVirus 7.6 (Win), 7.02 (Classic Mac OS), 8.0 (Mac OS X <10.2) - Anti-Virus Software (Desktop version only, does not include server software)
- Eudora 5.1r - Email Client
- SecureCRT 3.4 (Win), MacSSH 2.1B (Mac) - SSH/Telnet Application
- SecureFX 2.0 (Win) - File Transfer Program
- Stuffit Expander 6.0 (Win), Stuffit Lite 6.51 (Mac) - Decompression Utility
- Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0- Portable Document Format (PDF) Reader
And it also provides...
- The ability to create a new account from home.
- A utility to automatically configure dial-up, DHCP, and ResNet Internet connections.
- Bookmarks to information such as an online manual including complete software tutorials.
If you have any questions about Bovine Online or campus computing accounts, contact your department's technology support person. You can also contact IT Express, (the campus computing help desk and developers of the Bovine Online CD), by calling 530-754-HELP (4357) or via email at ithelp@ucdavis.edu.
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