This issue of the IT Times focuses on Information and Educational Technology's back-to-school activities and accomplishments. We begin with a look at IET's partnerships and plans for the future, and also showcase some interesting conferences on technology in teaching, course management software, and autism. You'll read about the path of disruption cut by pesky computer viruses and the steps you can take to combat them. We also highlight some important service changes that could affect how you purchase software or repair your computer.
As always, we welcome comments, questions, and suggestions at ietpubs@ucdavis.edu.
by E. Cayce Dumont
The Teaching Resources Center held its 8th annual Summer Institute on Technology in Teaching (SITT) during the week of July 23. Between continental breakfasts, midday pastries, and informal lunches, 60 SITT participants feasted on a smorgasbord of new technological resources. During that week, participants—regardless of their initial skill level—attended sessions on everything from setting up course email lists to using animated imagery in PowerPoint presentations, or accessing remote machinery for computer-based experimental research.
A Message From Dr. John Bruno, Vice Provost
Information and Educational Technology has been building a foundation for partnerships with the campus in a constant effort to support UC Davis teaching, research and outreach functions. Some of the recent collaborative projects and initiatives include: The MyUCDavis academic Web portal, the Technology Infrastructure Forum, the Advanced Technology Projects which address technology infrastructure issues, the Summer Institute on Technology in Teaching, the recent Course Management Symposium, the Classroom Upgrade Project, and the Student Computer Ownership Expectation.
Last spring, MyUCDavis became the official academic Web portal for our campus. But MyUCDavis is destined to fill a much larger role in the life and business of the campus. Over the next several years, planners, business systems owners, administrators, and developers from across the campus will work together behind the scenes to build MyUCDavis into a campus enterprise portal capable of meeting supporting a variety of complex business and administrative functions.