Serving Us Now, Laying the Foundation for Future Enterprise Portal
My UCDavis logoLast spring, MyUCDavis became the official academic Web portal for our campus. With the development of this site, UC Davis is taking the lead, along with a few other UC campuses (e.g., UCLA and UC San Diego) in bringing portal technology to the UC environment. MyUCDavis provides students and faculty with a powerful tool for completing a number of tasks online. Building on its strengths and success, MyUCDavis is now being expanded into an enterprise portal capable of supporting complex business, administrative, and academic functions.

UC's Mandate for a New Business Architecture
In January 2000, a UC-wide Planning Group was formed to investigate the anticipated impact of enrollment growth on the business functions of the University in the upcoming years. More specifically, the group was asked to outline a New Business Architecture that would allow campus departments, administrative operations, and UCOP to support the growth of the University over the next decade. In July 2000, the group released its New Business Architecture Report, "UC 2010: A New Business Architecture for the University of California." The report proposes broad strategies that will "enable the University to continue to deliver high quality administrative services and support in an environment of rapid growth in student enrollment...and envisions a more flexible, 'scalable' business model, designed to deliver an integrated set of tools to the user's desktop." Each campus is responsible for making this vision a reality.

Expanding MyUCDavis into a Campuswide Enterprise Portal
On our campus, the MyUCDavis portal, initially developed as a pilot project in support of academic functions, is now open to all members of the campus community. MyUCDavis serves primarily the needs of faculty and students. It integrates several online resources and services, thereby creating a single entry point into UC Davis academic services (such as course registration, Degree Navigator, Web-based email, financial aid information, and course management software).

Over the next several months (and years), planners, business systems owners, administrators, and developers from across the campus will work together to build MyUCDavis into a campus enterprise portal capable of meeting the needs outlined in the UC New Business Architecture Report. The first step toward this goal is the UC Davis New Business Architecture implementation strategy under development. The strategy is based in large part on interviews a consultant conducted this summer with key campus groups as well as discussions with the UC Davis New Business Architecture Steering Committee. The committee is composed of the following individuals: John Bruno, Vice Provost, Information and Educational Technology; Janet Hamilton, Vice Chancellor, Administration; Barry Klein, Vice Chancellor, Research; John Meyer, Vice Chancellor, Resource Management and Planning; Celeste Rose, Vice Chancellor, University Relations; Marilyn Sharrow, University Librarian; and Carol Wall, Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs.

Various enterprise portal initiatives are already underway to help the campus integrate existing information systems. They include: building a strong enterprise directory, providing secure online transactions, enabling access to streamlined processes on the Web, and ensuring a smooth integration of business and functional needs. Such a complex undertaking is expected to require the formation of an integrated campuswide project team and the careful rethinking of processes, policies, and cultural issues. A Web site is under development. It will serve as a major communication vehicle with the campus community.

 Related IT Times stories

 This Issue
Need Time and Space? MyUCDavis May Be Your Oasis

Previous Issues
MyUCDavis is Here to Stay (May/June 2001)

MyUCDavis Awaits Graduation Day (Mar/Apr 2001)

Project Updates (Nov/Dec 2000)

IT Project Updates (Sep/Oct 2000)

"MyUCDavis": A new window on the Aggie world (Mar 2000)


Other Resources

 MyUCDavis Web Site

MyUCDavis Frequently Asked Questions

Joint AC4-AdC3 Meeting Minutes, 3/29/01


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