Mediaworks Bids Farewell to Director Harry Matthews
Welcomes Newly Appointed Liz Gibson

Mediaworks, the campus’ digital media and educational technology unit, will be saying goodbye to retiring Director and Professor Harry Matthews as of June 30, 2003. In addition to a total of 23 years of service to the campus in various teaching and committee positions, Matthews has contributed his talent and creativity to the new field of educational technology at Mediaworks. Vice Provost for Information and Educational Technology, John
Director and Professor
Harry Matthews

Bruno describes Matthews as “a talented scholar of national distinction and a respected pioneer in applying technology to teaching and learning.

Previous Issues
  • A Conversation with Harry Matthews
  • Academic Computing Coordinating Council
  • Shaping the Future of Remote Access
  • Virtual Lectures: The Courses of the Future?
  • 100 Days and Counting at the Instructional Technology and Digital Media Center
  • Med Students Manipulate Models on Screen
  • The Evolution of Educational Technology
  • New IT Structure Improves Service
  • A Look at Course Management Systems
  • 10 Years of Educational Technology Development
  • Why We All Need a Backup Dog
  • Virtual Center Bridges UC Campus
  • Odyssey 98
  • Highlites: Program: MoBy, A Study Aid for Medical
  • UC Davis MediaWorks
  • During his three years at Mediaworks, Matthews oversaw a broad range of self-help, digital media, photography, video production, and Web development services. He also initiated the ET Partners program, which pairs students with faculty who want to learn to use technology tools for their classroom. He helped develop ten large undergraduate general education courses and produced a substantial online study aid (called MoBy). Most recently, Matthews developed a DVD outlining the challenges and rewards of implementing educational technology solutions. The DVD will benefit UC Davis and other learning institutions seeking to learn from Matthews’ experiences. “The list of his contributions never seems to end,” says Bruno. Matthews’ role has been particularly influential since he helped shape Mediaworks in its formative years as its first director. His vision for Mediaworks and the role of technology in the classroom will surely resound for many years to come here at UC Davis.

    Liz Gibson
    As Matthews’s steps down, Mediaworks welcomes its new Director, Liz Gibson, who is currently the manager of the Educational Technology unit of Mediaworks. Rather than filling the “Faculty Director” vacancy to be left by Matthews, Gibson will work closely with a soon-to-be-formed Faculty Board of Directors, comprised of faculty and deans representing a broad range of academic disciplines.

    Editors Note: We here at IT Times will miss Harry Matthews’ many contributions to our newsletter. Harry was always enthusiastic to share the latest developments in his field with us so that we could pass them along to IT Times readers. Best Wishes Harry!

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