Resources for Faculty Interested in Instructional Technologies
A. Support Facilities, Programs and Services
- UC Davis Teaching Web Page
- Information about UCD courses and instructional resources for faculty and students. Includes links to course material on the Web and important and useful information for instructors.
- The Arbor
- A facility by, for, and about faculty and their use of technology in teaching. The Arbor offers guidance and training to all instructors interested in instructional technology, consulting services on using presentation software, the Web, and mailing lists, among other items, for instructional purposes. For more information, see IT Times articles on the Arbor.
- Automated Class Mailing Lists
- A program that automatically subscribes students registered in a class to an electronic mailing list by extracting data from the Student Information System.
- Center for Advanced Information Technology (CAIT)
- A joint project of the General Library and IT. Showcases the latest hardware and software offerings.
- Computer rooms
- Many of these can be reserved for classroom instruction. Call 752-8549 or send email to . Up-to-date information and a list of computer rooms is on the Web at http://lm.ucdavis.edu/rooms/reserve.html.
- Connecting to the Campus Network
- General information about campus computer accounts can be found at http://it.ucdavis.edu/fsg/client/accounts.html. IT makes available at low cost a package of Internet software called Bovine Online. More information about this can be found at http://online.ucdavis.edu/. Remote connection to the campus network (via modem) is the subject of a number of projects, which are outlined at http://access.ucdavis.edu/.
- Distance Education Resources
- http://trc.ucdavis.edu/Distance-ed/
- Forum on Instructional Applications of Technology (FIAT) Mailing List
- fiat@ucdavis.edu: To subscribe: email listserv@ucdavis.edu and type subscribe fiat <your-first-name> <your-last-name>
- Graphic Services
- http://it.ucdavis.edu/fsg/media/graphic.html
- Instructional Media
- http://it.ucdavis.edu/fsg/teaching/mediasupp.html
- Library Electronic Reserves
- http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/reserves/rbrmenu1.html
- New Media Lab
- Located in 1154 Meyer Hall. Provides the tools necessary for creating presentations (slides, multimedia modules, and videos). 752-5215.
- New Media Professional Services
- Located in 1400 Surge II. Consulting services and assistance with instructional media design, professional training, and technology integration.
- Printing and Publishing
- http://it.ucdavis.edu/fsg/media/publish.html
- Self-Paced Learning Lab
- Located in the New Media Distribution Lab (1101 Hart Hall). Learn about software and other computer topics at your own pace, using video-based training materials.
- Teaching Resources Center (TRC)
- http://trc.ucdavis.edu/trc/
- Technology Support Program (TSP)
- Created to help departments plan and implement the use of information technologies. Most departments have one or more Technology Support Coordinators (TSCs) who provide frontline support to staff and faculty within their departments.
- Videoconferencing
- Allows face-to-face discussions with colleagues near and far. 752-9560.
B. Pilot Programs
- TRC/IT Laptop Loans for Classroom Use
- Remote Teaching Assistance (RTA)
- A project of Dick Walters, Department of Computer Science.
- Remote Access Management Project (RAMP)
- http://access.ucdavis.edu/
- Core Academic Technology Support (CATS)
- A pilot technology support project designed to assist academic departments and faculty. Currently, the project focuses on one department, Land, Air, and Water Resources (LAWR). The campus roll-out is scheduled for Spring 1998.
- Faculty Server (Ken Weiss, DCAS)
- Information Technology developed campuswide shared filesystems to support the DaFIS project. These systems allow users to access central file servers as if the remote disks were part of their local Windows or Macintosh computer.
IT is now looking into other services that can make use of this core infrastructure. The first such service under consideration is a way to provide WWW services to faculty. Faculty would be able to use their personal computer to create and manage HTML documents. A centrally-managed WWW server would then read those documents from the shared filesystem and make them available to the world.
The service, which is already in use at many Universities, including large installations at Stanford and the University of Michigan, is now being tested at UCD. We hope to have it available to a limited group of faculty during Winter quarter, and a larger group during Spring quarter.
Based on results of those tests, we will determine whether the service should be expanded, the degree to which it should be expanded, and the necessary improvements in infrastructure to support an expanded deployment. If the decision is made to continue with this effort, the infrastructure improvements will be made next summer, and the service will be offered to all faculty (and possibly others) beginning Fall 1998.
- Classes
- IT Calendar: http://iet.ucdavis.edu/itcalendar/
- Staff Development and Professional Services: http://sdps.ucdavis.edu/browse/it.htm
- IT Training: http://sdps.ucdavis.edu/
- Library Instruction Classes: How to find, manage, and organize a variety of online information resources, including Melvyl (the online catalog of UC's library system), CD-ROM databases, electronic journals, and newsgroups.
- Computer-Based Tutorials
- Self-Paced learning may never be the same. Information Technology in partnership with Staff Development and Professional Services has acquired a site licence to provide a series of computer-based tutorials (CBTs) to all UC Davis affiliates. These CBTs will be accessible via the campus network or CD ROM, and will cover a wide variety of topics such as: Windows 95, Windows NT, MS Office '97, Visual Basic, Oracle7, UNIX, and the Internet.
These tutorials are produced by CBT Systems, a leading provider of interactive self-paced training materials. For general information on CBT Systems please visit their web page at: http://www.cbtsys.com/
There will be over 300 course titles to choose from when the full complement of courses is made available. The campus release date is tentatively set for March, 1998.
Please send any questions concerning the UC Davis implementation to: cbt-team@ucdavis.edu (All inquiries are welcome).
- Brown Bags
- Presentations (Arbor, CAIT, etc.)
- Self-Paced Lab
- http://lm.ucdavis.edu/selfpaced.html
- Summer Institute for Technology in Teaching (SITT)
- http://trc.ucdavis.edu/trc/SITT/
- Classroom Guide (Registrar's Web site)
- http://registrar.ucdavis.edu/schedule/html/query_intro.html
- Quick Response Team (Instructional Media, CCS)
- A service designed to provide technical support for faculty having difficulty with any media equipment or services on campus. 752-3333.
- Faculty Services Guide
- Description of facilities, tools, resources, and programs available to UC Davis faculty.
- IT in the News
- Electronic weekly newsletter. Synopses of news and feature stories on information technology in education, industry, our community, and the world. Includes a weekly trivia question.
- IT Times
- IT's monthly newsletter. News, features, and case studies include the accomplishments of instructors using technology in teaching and research.
- Quick Reference Guide
- Brief descriptions of IT's services, facilities, programs, and other resources.
- Recommended Solutions
- Informed recommendations on a wide range of topics, from hardware and software purchases to Internet tools, remote access options, document management, and query tools.
A. Organizations
- Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education (AACE)
- http://curry.edschool.Virginia.EDU/aace/
- American Association for Higher Education (AAHE)
- http://www.aahe.org/
- The Association for Managing and Using Information Resources in Higher Education (CAUSE)
- http://www.cause.org/
- Transforming Education through Information Technology (EDUCOM)
- http://www.educom.edu
- Instructional Management Systems (IMS)
- http://www.imsproject.org/
B. Conferences
a. |
- Conferences Sponsored by The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
- http://aace.virginia.edu/aace
- SITE 98--Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, March 10-14, 1998
- http://aace.virginia.edu/aace/conf/site/home.html
- ED-MEDIA 98--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, June 20-25, 1998
- http://aace.virginia.edu/aace/conf/edmedia/home.html
- WebNet World Conference, November 7-12, 1998
- http://aace.virginia.edu/aace/conf/webnet/home.html
b. |
- ICTE International Conference on Technology and Education
- http://www.icte.org
- ICCE 97--International Conference on Computers in Education, December 2-5, 1997
- http://www.icce97.unimas.my/html/icce.html
- ICTE Santa Fe 1998 -- A Worldwide Network of Learning: Opportunities, Challenges, and Contrasts, March 8-11, 1998
- http://www.icte.org/SFMain.htm
c. |
- Syllabus Conferences and Workshops Schedule
- http://www.syllabus.com/conf_wksp_sch.htm
- Syllabus98 Conference
- http://www.syllabus.com/conf_page.htm
d. |
- Stop Surfing and Start Teaching: Teaching and Learning Through the Internet, February 22-25, 1998
- http://web.csd.sc.edu/conted/ssst.html
e. |
- Attending to Technology, Conference on Technology and Education
- http://www.inform.umd.edu/CRBS/attendtech/announce.html
f. |
- New Horizon's Annual Conference
- http://www.so.cc.va.us/newhoriz/newhori.htm
g. |
- New Frontiers '97 - Education in the Information Age
- http://www.symposiad.ca
h. |
- VIII International Conference on Technology and Distance Education
- http://www.fcae.nova.edu/pet/costa
i. |
- Ninch Calendar, Conferences and Other Events
- http://www-ninch.cni.org/CALENDAR/calendar.html
j. |
- On the Horizon: Conferences
- http://sunsite.unc.edu/horizon/conferences
k. |
- Seminar in Humanities Computing, Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
- http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/seminars.html
l. |
- Yahoo: Educational Technology Conferences, Past and Future
- http://www.yahoo.com/Education/Instructional_Technology/Conferences
C. Electronic Publications
- Syllabus: Information on Technologies to Enhance Education
- http://www.syllabus.com/
- T. H. E. Journal: Technological Horizons in Education
- http://www.thejournal.com/
- On the Horizon: Informing Educators about Challenges in a Changing World
- Yahoo: Instructional Technology Journals
- http://www.yahoo.com/Education/Instructional_Technology/Journals/
D. Citing Internet Sources
- MLA Guide
- http://www.cas.usf.edu/english/walker/mla.html
- Citing Internet Addresses
- http://www.classroom.net/classroom/CitingNetResources.html