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Editor's Note: At Home on the Web is a regular feature of the IT Times. If you have a Web site you would like featured in the column, send email to

Human Resources

Human Resources and Risk Management provides a broad array of services to the campus in the areas of employment, benefits, staff development, and diversity. You will also find a multitude of downloadable campus forms (in several formats), the Payroll/Personnel system, and a new feature: the "Risk-O-Grams," which provide notification to the campus community about potentially hazardous situations (for example, there is a Risk-O-Gram about El Niño).


You won't get bugged by this newly-revised departmental page! UC Davis is home to one of the top Entomology departments in the nation. You are invited to visit their online showcase and learn about their facilities, such as the Bohart Museum of Entomology, and programs, such as Integrated Pest Management and the UC Mosquito Program. All course descriptions are online, as well as a schedule for the department's weekly seminar series, and much more.

Child Care Services

Child Care Services is the principal resource on campus for child care information and referrals, and co-sponsor of the Breastfeeding Support Program. Find out about family support services, children's programs, summer care for school-age children, employee benefits, and financial assistance.

The 4-H Youth Development Program

The 4-H Youth Development Program is an 80+ year old program of the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 4-H is rooted in project-centered education with themes of citizenship and leadership, and is delivered by the county-based UC Cooperative Extension. This program is looking for departments and programs interested in helping 4-H deliver research-based information to youth and local youth organizations.