CCS Prepares for Move
Surge II Becomes Campus Contact Point
Creative Communication Services (CCS) will soon begin moving into its new home at 3820 Chiles Road, southwest of the Mace Boulevard/I80 Intersection. CCS is the department of the Information Technology Division that offers print, media, and publishing services to UC Davis affiliates both on campus and at the UCD Medical Center. By combining Repro Graphics, Illustration Services, and Instructional Media, CCS provides a full range of services, from Quick Copy printing to photography, imaging, medical illustration, design, and audio-visual equipment. The three units are scheduled to transfer their production services to the new facility within the next three months. The move will enable CCS to offer its full range of services in the new facility while maintaining a contact point on campus.
A Necessary Move
"We have been in need of space for so long," explained Dan Washabaugh, CCS Repro Graphics production manager and coordinator of the move. "In effect, the move will be as beneficial to those who use our services as for those who work here."
For the first time since the three units were brought together under CCS in 1994, the organization will have a facility large enough to accommodate all its services. The new facility will enable CCS to serve its customers with greater efficiency. The geographical dispersion of services across campus and the overall lack of space had resulted in the fragmentation of services and presented a number of logistics challenges. Large amounts of paper had to be shuffled in and out of the Repro Graphics building every day to make room for daily production. At the new facility, Repro Graphics will be able to offer its clients one-stop service and a greater selection of stocked papers. The decision to move to a vacant building off campus was based on a number of factors, including the lack of available buildings on campus and the costs associated with constructing a new facility.
Repro Graphics Makes the First Move
CCS will begin phases of the move in mid-March, with the transfer of production services to Chiles Road. "Given the diversity of our services and the array of equipment, the move will be a unique orchestration of staff, local movers, riggers, and vendors," Washabaugh said. "Our goal is to move in without interrupting or disrupting services. ItŐs a team effort."
The main change for most customers will come in early April, when representatives from Repro Graphics will join other CCS staff in Surge II, west of the Silo. The main Repro Graphics building will be vacated by May 1st.
New On-Campus Central Location
On April 6th, Surge II will become the central on-campus contact point where CCS representatives will be available for consultation and work requests. To facilitate on-campus requests, couriers will routinely pick up and drop off jobs every day.
The following services will not be affected:
- All Quick Copy Centers will remain at their current locations (50 Mrak Hall, Shields Library, 60 Carlson Health Sciences Library), with the exception of Station III located off campus, which will close on March 16th. Pick-up service will remain available to customers of Station III. Starting April 6th, Quick Copy services will be provided at the new CCS facility on Chiles Road, in addition to the existing on-campus locations.
- All Instructional Media, including Equipment Loan, the Video PlayBack Center and Repair Services will remain at their current locations.
- All Illustration Services, including film and slide processing, printing, and photography services will remain at Surge II.
Once settled into its new locations, CCS will be installing a press capable of printing 40" x 28" sheets of paper, commonly used for multi-page publications. This new equipment along with the increased space and the ability to offer comprehensive services in one location will improve the productivity of the organization and its ability to meet campus needs.
An Open House will be held at Surge II and 3820 Chiles Road when the move is complete.
For more information, please contact Ed Dunn at 752-0861.