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Odyssey 98 Call for Proposals

Using Technology at UC Davis:
Issues, Challenges, and Rewards

ALL MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY -- faculty, teaching assistants, students, administrators, and staff -- are invited to submit proposals for exhibits, presentations, panel discussions, and roundtables on topics related to this year's theme, "Using Technology at UC Davis: Issues, Challenges, and Rewards."

Odyssey 98 is sponsored by the Academic Federation, the General Library, the Joint Campus Committee on Information Technology, the Teaching Resources Center, and the Division of Information Technology.


Odyssey is an exploration of new and creative uses of information technology at UC Davis and a forum for exchanging ideas, perspectives, and experiences. Odyssey 98 will mark the third year of the largest educational event of its kind on campus. In previous years, Odyssey has showcased projects ranging from a Web-based literary journal to a preview of new administrative systems, from geographic information systems to multimedia programs for veterinary students. This year's theme, "Using Technology at UC Davis: Issues, Challenges, and Rewards," marks a shift to an even more interactive event, focused on the exchange of information, experiences, and ideas. Everyone, from all segments of the campus community, is invited to send proposals for presentations, mini-workshops, discussion sessions, exhibits, or booths.

Participating in Odyssey 98 offers you an opportunity to share your thoughts, experiences, and expertise. Or you may want to describe strategies that you've found to be effective. Some possibilities include:


What are some of the issues you associate with technology and education? Make nearly any statement on the subject and you will find that it raises a whole host of issues. Even the notion that we are on the verge of a revolutionary approach to teaching and learning might be debated: teachers have been integrating technology into classrooms for years. How are computers different? Are they different? As staff, are we radically changing the way we do business or simply performing the same tasks with new tools?

The issues raised by the uses of technology have no immediate answers -- they are points for exploration. Some topics currently being discussed on campus: Are student technology fees justified? How can we ensure that all members of the campus community have basic computer literacy skills? What points do you hear being discussed or would like to have discussed?


Have you faced challenges in your quest to implement technology in your research, teaching, or work? What barriers have you had to overcome? The California Digital Library, distance education, and computers in classrooms -- what do these mean for higher education and for UC Davis? Although technology offers new ways to teach, learn, and work, it also creates new challenges. New educational software is not effective if student access to it is limited. Innovative tools are of little use to those who can't afford to purchase them or lack the infrastructure required to use them. Sharing the obstacles and strategies you've used to surmount them may help others to do the same.


The rewards of innovative uses of technology in the classroom, in research, and in the workplace are being felt at UC Davis. Collaborations between universities are being made possible by distance education. Email discussion lists are enabling the most reticent students to "speak up." More administrative forms and information are online than ever before. Distances grow shorter. Innovation happens. New discoveries are made. What are your successes in incorporating technology into the UC Davis environment?

Proposals should be submitted by April 10, 1998.

The third year of the largest educational and technology event of its kind on campus.

Odyssey 98 At A Glance

Day of showcase: May 28, 1998.
Deadline for submitting proposals: April 10.
How to submit proposals: The proposal form is on the Web at You may also obtain a hard copy by calling 752-6387.

For further information:
Web site: