
- A revised University of California Electronic Mail Policy
was issued on March 23. Revised as a result of concerns raised by members
of the Academic Council, the new policy supersedes the version issued
in August 1996. To view the policy on the Web, go to http://it.ucdavis.edu/policies.html.
Hard copies may be obtained at I.T. Express, 182 Shields Library, or
by calling 754-4357.
- All tenure-track faculty and senior lecturers are invited to join the Remote Access Pilot, a project designed to facilitate access to the campus network for teaching and research purposes. This phase of the pilot will start on April 28. Check your campus mailbox and your email for further information. A presentation on this and other remote access projects is scheduled for April 21 (See Campus Presentations). For a description of the Remote Access Pilot, go to http://cr.ucdavis.edu/ramp/ramp.html or send email to ramp@ucdavis.edu.
- The Banner Team needs your feedback. A survey was sent electronically to all subscribers of the banner-issues@ucdavis.edu list. Responses to the questionnaire, along with comments and suggestions, will help assess your opinion of the services provided by the Banner Help Desk team and identify areas for improvement. If you use Banner and did not receive a survey, contact the Banner Help Desk by sending email to banner-help@ucdavis.edu.
- The results of the bibliographic software survey are in! The workgroup selected Endnote 3.0 by Niles and Associates for the Macintosh platform. A Windows resolution was not forthcoming due to the high quality of the top three products: Endnote 3.0, ProCite 4.0, and Reference Manager 8.0. For more information, visit the Web at http://cait.ucdavis.edu/advtech/evals/biblio.html or call 752-5711.
- You have until April 30 to send in your application for the fifth annual Summer Institute on Technology in Teaching (SITT) held on campus from July 13-17. SITT seeks to promote faculty expertise in the use of new technology for instruction at UC Davis. The program is sponsored by the Teaching Resources Center, in collaboration with the Office of the Provost and the Division of Information Technology. For more information, contact Winifred Anderson, from the Teaching Resources Center, at 752-6050 or weanderson@ucdavis.edu.
- You are invited to submit suggestions on how to use the network capabilities of Internet 2, the next generation Internet. Find out about Internet 2 by visiting http://dcas.ucdavis.edu/i2. The site includes a PowerPoint presentation on the status of the project and an overview of Internet 2 applications. Send suggestions to i2apps@ucdavis.edu.