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Summer Changes

Consultative Process on Campus Modem Service Re-Opens
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Grey approved $563,000 in one-time funds to enhance UC Davis' current remote access services. The funding provides an interim solution to remote access services and gives the campus two years to identify a longer-term solution. In the first year, a consultative process with all appropriate campus constituencies and an analysis of remote access options will be reinitiated to determine the future of campus provided modem service. The second year will be used to implement the option(s) selected by the Provost's Office.

The funds were approved for the purchase of 384 56K modems (bringing the total number of modems to 949) and to cover operational and carrier costs for the next two years. The new modems will be faster (they will be capable of speeds of up to 56K, a substantial improvement on the 14K modems currently available) and will utilize Kerberos authentication. The new equipment will be purchased this summer and is scheduled to be available to all campus constituencies by Fall Quarter.

The Remote Access Management Program (RAMP) report, released in late May, will be used to provide background, information, and recommendations during the campus-wide consultation process. The report's executive summary is available on the Web at To request a full copy of the draft report and to offer comments and suggestions, send email to