New Payroll/Personnel Decision Support System A Payroll/Personnel Decision Support System, currently under construction, is scheduled to be available to campus departments by the middle of July. Like the DaFIS Decision Support System, this system will be accessed through a Web browser, and users will be able to select and execute pre-defined reports from a menu of query options. It will incorporate a security system which will allow authorized users access to employee and expense data for their department(s). The initial release will include expense and personnel queries. These query types were identified through two information sessions with key campus business managers and users conducted jointly by Office of Administration, Accounting and Financial Services, and Information Technology staff. Payroll liens queries, the third priority identified at these sessions, will be implemented at a later date. A beta test of the system and queries will be conducted during the month of June. A class on the Payroll/Personnel Decision Support system, currently under development, will cover the security of Payroll information, and policy regarding accountability, accessing the system, navigating menu options, and executing the queries. The local Payroll/Personnel Data Warehouse, the source of information for this PPS Decision Support System, was initially rolled out to the campus during the summer of 1996. The system was designed to allow users to access a payroll database using SQL-based query tools to create reports and data extracts. It contains over 50 tables of information with personnel and expense data from UCD's employee database at Office of the President. The Payroll/Personnel Data Warehouse is currently being enhanced to provide additional data for the PPS Decision Support System. Current Data Warehouse users will not need to change their login accounts to access the new system. For further information, Web browser requirements, and updates, visit http://payweb.ucdavis.edu/ or contact Linda Honzik at (530) 757-8772, ljhonzik@ucdavis.edu or Ray Reveles at (530) 757-8794, rreveles@ucdavis.edu.